Welcome to The Captain
Welcome to The Captain is an American sitcom television series created, executive produced and directed by John Hamburg. Andrew Reich and Ted Cohen also serve as executive producers. The show is about a young writer whose life changes when he moves into a legendary old Hollywood apartment building.
Produced by CBS Paramount Network Television and John & Anders, the series was greenlit and given a six-episode order in June 2007.
Welcome to The Captain premiered on February 4, 2008 airing on Monday nights at 8:30 PM Eastern Time on CBS in the United States and CTV in Canada. On CBS it was a mid-season replacement for The Big Bang Theory, but the show was halted after its fifth episode aired due to poor ratings. Fran Kranz eventually signed on to the upcoming Fox series Dollhouse, effectively canceling the CBS sitcom. On May 14, 2008, the series was officially canceled.Cast
- Fran Kranz - Joshua "Josh" Flug
- Chris Klein - Marty Tanner
- Joanna Garcia - Hope
- Al Madrigal - Jesus
- Valerie Azlynn - Astrid
- Raquel Welch - Charlene Van Ark
- Jeffrey Tambor - Saul Fish
U.S. Nielsen Ratings