The story follows Takeo Gōda, a tall and muscular student who doesn't have much luck with women, as every girl he likes ends up falling for his best friend, Makoto Sunakawa, who is charming and good-looking. This all changes when he saves Rinko Yamato, a petite shy girl who, above all other expectations, falls in love with Takeo, beginning a unique love story.
The series debuted as a 100-page special in Bessatsu Margaret Sister in October 2011 before becoming serialised in Bessatsu Margaret, ending with a 100-page final chapter on July 13, 2016. The first volume was released by Shueisha on March 23, 2012, and the thirteenth and final volume was released on September 23, 2016. Viz Media has licensed the series and released the first volume on July 1, 2014. In honor of the 50th anniversary of Margaret, Kawahara and Aruko collaborated with Io Sakisaka, the creator of Blue Spring Ride, to create a crossover comic called My Ride!!, which was released in the July 2013 issue of Bessatsu Margaret.
Volume list
In November 2014 it was announced that the series was being adapted into an anime series. Covering roughly 34 chapters of the manga, the anime was produced by Madhouse, Nippon TV, VAP, Shueisha and Nippon Television Music Corporation and directed by Morio Asaka, with Natsuko Takahashi handling series composition, Kunihiko Hamada designing the characters and S.E.N.S. composing the music. The anime began airing on Nippon TV from April 8, 2015 and is being simulcast by Crunchyroll. The opening theme is "Miraikei Answer" by Trustrick while the ending theme is "Shiawase no Arika" by Local Connect. The soundtrack is composed by S.E.N.S. Project. The final episode of the series, originally scheduled for September 16, 2015, was delayed to September 23.
In 2013, the series won the award for Best Shōjo Manga at the 37th Kodansha Manga Awards. It was number one on the Book of the Year list of Female-Oriented Comics from January to June, 2013 by Da Vinci magazine and number five in the annual list of 2012. It was nominated for the 6th Manga Taishō. In Takarajimasha's 2013 edition of the guidebook Kono Manga ga Sugoi!, a survey with more than 400 manga professionals, it was selected as the best series for female readers; in the 2014 edition, it was the 15th best. The fifth volume was the 53rd best-selling manga volume of the first half of 2014. It was also nominated for the 18th Annual Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize "Reader Award". In 2016, the manga won in the Shōjo category at the 61st Shogakukan Manga Awards.