Education in Greece
Education in Greece is centralized and governed by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs at all levels. The Ministry exercises control over public schools, formulates and implements legislation, administers the budget, coordinates national level university entrance examinations, sets up the national curriculum, appoints public school teaching staff, and coordinates other services.
The national supervisory role of the Ministry is exercised through Regional Unit Public Education Offices, which are named Regional Directorates of Primary and Secondary School Education. Public schools and their supply of textbooks are funded by the government. Public school students attend free, tuition-free, and they provided free with textbooks from the state approved list.
About 25% of postgraduate programs have free tuition, while about 30% of students are eligible to attend programs tuition-free based on individual criteria.
Formal education in Greece comprises three educational stage
School holidays in Greece include Christmas, Greek Independence Day, Easter, National Anniversary Day, a three-month summer holiday, National Public Holidays, and local holidays, which vary by region such as the local patron saint's day.
In addition to schooling, the majority of students attend extracurricular private classes at private centres called "frontistiria", or one-to-one tuition. These centres prepare students for higher education admissions, like the Pan-Hellenic Examinations, and provide foreign language education.
It is forbidden by law for students to use mobile phones while in the school premises. Taking or making phone calls, texting, or the use of other camera, video or other recording devices or medium that have image and audio processing like smartwatches. Students must switch off their mobile phones or set them to silent mode and keep them in their bags. Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data Protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic telecommunications sector and amendment of law 2472/1997
Most preschool- 1st Year / Pre-Kindergarten, age 4 to 5 years old
- 2nd Year / Kindergarten, age 5 to 6
Primary education
In Year 1 and Year 2, pupils are not officially graded. Grading begins in Year 3, and written exams are introduced in Year 5. Automatic progression exists from the one year to the next year. The school year starts on September 11 and ends on June 15. The school day starts at 08.15 hour and finishes at 13.15 hour. It comprises six academic years of schooling name τάξεις, numbered 1 through to 6. Enrollment to the next tier of compulsory education, the Gymnasium, is automatic. The classes a week for a subject vary from the teacher who teaches. It is awarded "Απολυτήριο Δημοτικού" which gives automatic admission to the lower secondary education. Αges are typical and can vary with the most common ages approximately:
; Grades of Primary School
Grade 1–6
- 1st Year / First grade, age 6 to 7-year-olds
- 2nd Year / Second grade, age 7 to 8
- 3rd Year / Third grade, age 8 to 9
- 4th Year / Fourth grade, age 9 to 10
- 5th Year / Fifth grade, age 10 to 11
- 6th Year / Sixth grade, age 11 to 12
- 1st Year: no grade points
- 2nd Year: no grade points
- 3rd Year: A–D
- 4th Year: A–D
- 5th Year: 1–10
- 6th Year: 1–10
Secondary education
is compulsory for 3 years.Article 16, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution of 1975 mandated that compulsory education must be nine years in length.
This constitutional provision, to apply to all Greek children, was enshrined in Law 309/1976, by which also was replaced classical Greek by modern Greek, as the official language for teaching at all levels of education, and ceased to be a one-tier non-compulsory six years lower and upper secondary school named gymnasium, converted to compulsory three years lower secondary school for pupils aged 12–15 named gymnasium and three years non-compulsory upper secondary school for pupils aged 15–18 named lyceum.
Admitted students can have a maximum age up to 16-years-old, while must have Primary Education School Certificate or its international equivalent. No entry exams required. Schooling starts on September 11 and ends on early June before the first day of the Pan-Hellenic Examinations. The lessons end on May 31 so that the students will be able to study for their examinations in early June. The gymnasium school awarded qualification "Απολυτήριο Γυμνασίου" at HQF level 3, which gives automatic admission to the upper secondary education. Gymnasium has three academic years of schooling known as "τάξη", numbered 1 through to 3. Ages are typical and can vary with the most common being are between: "Admissions, transfers, studying and organization subjects of schooled life in the secondary education schools"
- 1st Year / First grade, age 12 to 13-year-olds
- 2nd Year / Second grade, age 13 to 14
- 3th Year / Third grade, age 14 to 15
- Gymnasium
- Evening Gymnasium
- Ecclesiastical Gymnasium
- Gymnasium of Cross-Cultural Education
- Experimental Gymnasium
- Integrated Special Vocational Gymnasium-Lyceum
- Music Gymnasium
- Art Gymnasium
non-compulsory education 3 years.Lyceum school starts on September 11 and ends on June 15. Lessons end in late May so that the students will be able to study for their examinations in June. Admitted students can have a maximum age up to 20-year-old, while must have Gymnasium Certificate or Lower Secondary Education School Certificate or its international equivalent. The Evening Lyceum is for both adult students and underage working students lasts 3 years since 2020–2021 academic year. After having completed the 3rd grade, the graduates of the Lyceum are awarded the "Απολυτήριο Λυκείου" qualification at HQF / EQF level 4, at ISCED level 3. The marking scale on the Apolytirio Lykeiou is set to a 20-point grading system, law 4610/2019., "Synergies between Universities and TEIs, Admission to Higher Education, Experimental secondary education schools, General archive of state and other provisions" The Lyceum Apolytirio is required for admission to Higher Education and to continue studies, and is an equivalent in level to the GCE Advanced Level.
Students wishing to access study programmes in Higher Education must be both secondary education school graduates holding Apolytirio Lykeiou and must take nationally set examinations officially entitled "Πανελλαδικές Εξετάσεις" which is an externally assessed national standardized test given one time in any given school year, which also accept all adult ages for candidates. Apolytirio certificate grants the right to pursue entry to higher education at a later date by participating at the Pan-Hellenic Examinations. Ministry of Education bears the responsibility for the central organization of these matriculation examinations. Candidates exam in 4 subjects that have selected from the 3rd grade of lyceum, while different numerical value titled "συντελεστής βαρύτητας" has assigned to each of those subjects contributes differently towards the overall score.
Successful admission is determined through the combination of a) "Βαθμός Πρόσβασης", literally "the access score", that is the candidate's weighted average of the grades achieved in examinations, b) the candidate's "Βαθμός Προαγωγής και Απόλυσης" Β.Π.Α. represents the student's sum of all three Grade Point Averange earned in 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of lyceum each of these is multiplied by a given coefficient weight where the result is divided by two, Β.Π.Α. = the candidate's "μηχανογραφικό δελτίο" the available number of places allocated in each academic department. The number of students that are admitted for each programme is determined annually by the Ministry of Education. As there are usually more applicants than places available in certain fields of study, students with the highest average exam results are selected, e) For admission to programmes requiring specialised knowledge or skills, special admission examinations are require in one or more certain subjects or compulsory preparatory tests. "Βεβαίωση Πρόσβασης" is a document given to students soon after Pan-Hellenic Examinations results are released.
Lyceum designates school class levels based on the years of schooling of the student cohort, using 3 academic year levels, known as "τάξη", numbered 1 through to 3. Ages are typical and can vary with the most common being are between:
- 1st Year / First grade, age 15 to 16-year-olds
- 2nd Year / Second grade, age 16 to 17
- 3rd Year / Third grade, age 17 to 18
- Μουσικό Λύκειο
- Πειραματικό Λύκειο
- Γενικό Λύκειο
- Γενικό Λύκειο Διαπολιτισμικής Εκπαίδευσης
- Καλλιτεχνικό Λύκειο
- Eπαγγελματικό Λύκειο
- Εσπερινό Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο
- Εσπερινό Γενικό Λύκειο
- Γενικό Εκκλησιαστικό Λύκειο
- Ενιαίο Ειδικό Επαγγελματικό Γυμνάσιο-Λύκειο
General Lyceum (GEL)
It awarded "Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου". It can be awarded in Orientation Groups requiring an advanced level in a number of four different subjects, depending on the group.
The second-grade students must choose one out of the two academic tracks named "Ομάδες Προσανατολισμού", and the third-grade students one out of the four Orientation Groups. The Orientation Group is also known as Stream. Once it has selected a Stream it needs to follow a sequence of subjects to complete it. If they wish, graduating students are eligible to exam in Pan-Hellenic Examinations on four subjects of their chosen third-grade Orientation Group.
Vocational Lyceum (EPAL)
Vocational Lyceum.It awarded "Απολυτήριο Επαγγελματικού Λυκείου". EPAL High School Diploma is a Double Diploma.
Double Diploma is double-subject studies which lead to the attainment of one diploma qualification for two different fields of study at the same time corresponding to two separate diplomas. EPAL High School Diploma comprises two qualifications in their own right taken alongside being awarded independently of each other, a High School Diploma and a Specialisation Diploma. EPAL High School Diploma can be awarded in Orientation Groups requiring an advanced level in a number of four different subjects, depending on the group.
The EPAL High School Diploma is imposed by two fields of study, a Specialisation Diploma programme which is an elective integrated occupational specialism programme completed within the number of core subjects required for a High School Diploma. EPAL Specialisation Diploma, also called "Specialist Diploma", is titled "Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας" at HQF level 4. EPAL students graduate from both curricula concurrently receiving two qualifications separately, an EPAL Specialisation Diploma parchment, and an EPAL High School Diploma parchment issued with both curricula listed, and both curricula are listed on a student's attainment transcript. EPAL High School Diploma programme of study is designed in relation to the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training and International Standard Classification of Occupations.
The Grade 2 students must choose one of nine Orientation Groups, also known as "τομείς" sectors. The Grade 3 students must choose one of varying specialisations titled "ειδικότητες". The chosen orientation group at the Grade 2 it is cannot switch at Grade 3. The Grade 2 subjects contributes only to the half of a full Grade 3 Specialty, and do not constitute a separate qualification. Until a maximum age up to 20-year-old lyceum graduates are exempted from all core subjects from Grades 2 and 3 of the EPAL lyceum and they can be directly admitted to EPAL Grade 2, meaning these students when will graduate, it will only be awarded EPAL Specialisation Diploma.
EPAL High School Diploma is required for admission to Higher Education Institutes and to continue studies, and is an equivalent in level to the GCE Advanced Level. Students normally select their chosen Specialty in fields relevant to intended study at the higher education, and in Pan-Hellenic Examinations, if they wish, exam in 4 advanced level subjects of the Grade 3 which are 2 subjects of chosen Specialty with 3.5 coefficient weight per subject, and 2 subjects of general education with 1.5 coefficient weight per subject.
EPAL Specialisation Diploma is titled "Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας", shortened to simply "Πτυχίο", and transliterated to "Ptychio". The Greek word "Πτυχίο" has translation into English as "Degree", it is a qualification term has common meaning in Greece. It signifies that it is a direct translation from the terminology in Greek as it appears in the Greek legislation. In Greece, the word "Πτυχίο" is commonly used for titles of study from different education levels. It must not confuse with its usage in the English language, whereby the word Degree refers to Higher Education qualification title only. Greece Universities' Degree is titled "Πτυχίο", transliterated to "Ptychio", signifies that it is a University Ptychio, Higher Education Ptychio, Level 6 Ptychio. EPAL Specialisation Diploma either standalone parchment or integrating into an EPAL Certificate parchment, is an Upper Secondary Education Ptychio, Level 4 Ptychio. EPAL Certificate is one parchment having two qualification both and it can be called either as an EPAL Lyceum Certificate or as an EPAL Specialisation Diploma.
Students that they don't want to continue to tertiary education, they have the option to choose "Mathitia". With, "Mathitia", the students can upgrade the EPAL Lyceum Certificate or as an EPAL Specialisation Diploma from Level 4 to Level 5. During the year, the students work for 4 days in a workplace of their specialisation and 1 day at school lessons at their laboratories. Also, the students are paid during their work.
Vocational education and training
When applying for admission or enrolment, candidate students are to those who are duly qualified. It must have all the legal eligibility requirements and valid documentation, outlined by the directives of applicable laws, regulations, and policies, imposed by the Greek governmental authorities. As the prerequisite health medical certificate of five consecutive years validity for the Ho.Re.Ca programmes of study, or allied healthcare programmes, or unless otherwise programme specialty required to have passed the relevant specialized examinations. Medical Health Certificate for Ho.Re.Ca Services and Food Handling Employees and Students.Vocational School (EPAS)
The Vocational School or Trade School of OAED is 2 years' duration. Also known as Vocational School of Apprenticeship, shortened to EPAS Apprenticeship or simply to EPAS. EPAS Apprenticeship is an upper secondary two-track education system, Dual VET, having alternating periods in a school with theory classroom and at the workplace with work- practice experience, with terms are contractually regulated by law and labour agreement. Balance between school-and work-based training: in-company + school. Student insurance and two-part agreement between the student and apprenticeship company are applied. Generally, the maximum number of students that can register in a given education programme is up to 20. Apprenticeship is based on the German dual learning system which combines classroom education with paid practical work in a business. EPAS is operated by Workforce Employment Organisation of Greece. The EPAS of OAED provides its students in having an apprenticeship term work placement by finding and coordinating it. Students are entitled to receive at least the national minimum wage for their age. The majority of these students are classed as unskilled workers. Admitted students are aged from 15–16 to 23-year-old maximum who must have completed at least the lyceum first grade. The EPAS of OAED awarded "Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Σχολής" at HQF level 4.
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Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class
Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class is provided by Vocational Lyceum. Only EPAL graduates and Lyceum graduates hold EPAL Specialization Diploma are admitted to Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class being regarded as a separate and distinctive stage of post-secondary education. It includes 1 year post-secondary apprenticeship dual programme belongs to the non-formal education having alternating periods in an EPAL school unit with theory classroom and at the workplace with work practice training. All apprenticeships schemes should include a contract, wage and social security rights/benefits to student which is a trainee referred to simply as "apprentice". EPAL Apprenticeship Class programmes are based on Workforce Employment Organisation at its dual learning principle and follow the same quality framework for apprenticeships. Graduates of the apprenticeship class will receive "Βεβαίωση Πιστοποίησης Μεταλυκειακού Έτους Τάξης Μαθητείας" signifies completion of Apprenticeship Class programme. If they wish the Apprenticeship Class graduates are therefore eligible to take the National Accreditation Examinations at HQF level 5.Vocational Lyceum (EPAL)
Vocational Lyceum 3 yearsSpecial Vocational Education Centre (ΕΕΕΕΚ)
Special Vocational Education Centre, 6 years special education at HQF Level 2Public Schools of Tourism Education
Public Schools of Tourism Education are operated by Ministry of Tourism. Types are the Further-training Programmes of Employees in Tourism Sector ; Schools of Tourist Guides; Institutes of Vocational Training comprise the specialties of Cookery, Bakery and Patisserie, Tourism Units and Ηospitality Businesses, Specialist of Business Administration and Economics in the Tourism Field.School of Meat Professions (SEK)
Α School of Meat Professions is accredited by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food. There are public and private schools of meat professions. The 300 hours programme has 85 hours theory classes at school and 100 hours laboratory classes, 15 hours educational visits, 100 hours in-company work-based training. The term is 5 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 12 consecutive weeks. The specialties of the School of Meat Professions are, Meat Processing Technician, Animal Slaughter.Laboratory Centre (ΕΚ)
Laboratory Centre, 3 years non-formal secondary education. Admitted students must have completed at least the lower secondary education school. Awarded "Βεβαίωση Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης". After examinations awarded "Πτυχίο Επαγγελματικής Ειδικότητας και Κατάρτισης, Επιπέδου 3" at HQF level 3.Institute of Vocational Training (IEK)
Institute of Vocational Training, 2 years adult non-formal post-secondary vocational education and training at HQF level 5 and 960 hours at a work placement. Admitted students must have completed at least the upper secondary education. EOPPEP organisation is the statutory body for the IEKs. See a list of IEK study programmes, click on the "" below:Tertiary education in Greece
Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, provided by Higher Educational Institutes and consist of Universities and specialist Academies, which primarily cater to the military. They are mostly autonomous, but the government is responsible for their funding and the distribution of students to undergraduate programs. Higher Education Institutions in Greece are public universities and can be attended without charge of a tuition fee, textbooks, and for the majority of students meals are also provided for free. About 25% of postgraduate programs have free tuition, while about 30% of students are eligible to attend programs tuition-free based on individual criteria. Framework and regulations for postgraduate studies. Each academic year is 32 weeks study programme, divided into two semesters of 16 weeks each. The University Center of International Programmes of Studies of the public International Hellenic University offers postgraduate programmes that are fully taught in English.According to the article 16 of the Greek constitution, private tertiary education is not allowed in Greece, and the government only recognizes the degree programmes offered by the public universities. In Greece, private colleges are Post-secondary Education Centres at non-formal education level operate under the proper registration accredited by the Ministry of Education.
Usually, most private colleges have been authorised to offer foreign undergraduate and postgraduate programmes following franchise or validation agreements with collaborating universities established in other countries, primarily in the UK, leading to degrees awarded directly by those foreign universities.
Non-formal education
system is the system of primary, secondary and higher education. The formal education private education schools in Greece are dimotiko, gymnasio, lykeio. The bodies of "non-typical education" term, although they are fully or partially regulated by the state and lead to officially recognised qualifications, they are outside the formal education system, referred to as non-formal education. Some of the well-known include: Non-typical education providers. Development of Lifelong Learning and other provisions Amendments for non-typical education providers- Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Shortened to Centre of Lifelong Learning. According to premise standards has the level 1 and 2. - Post-secondary Education Centre to which the Private Colleges belong
- Vocational Training Centre. It is a Centre of Lifelong Learning.
- Post-lyceum Υear Apprenticeship Class which is a post-secondary programme exclusively for EPAL lyceum graduates only
- Institute of Vocational Training specifically provides post-secondary adult vocational education and training
- Second Chance Adult School which is a Gymnasium level equivalent.
For adults who do not have complete the lower secondary education. 2 years evening school, 25 hours/week.
Education and Lifelong Learning programme of the Ministry of Education. - Laboratory Centre
HQF levels
Former education schools
Secondary Vocational Schools of Ministry of Education :- Επαγγελματική Σχολή
25 hours/week. Only subjects of specialization. Admitted students must have completed at least
the first grade of the upper secondary education school. Awarded Specialisation Diploma. - Σχολικό Εργαστηριακό Κέντρο
- Τεχνική Επαγγελματική Σχολή
70% subjects of specialization and 30% subjects of general education. Admitted students must have completed at least
the final year of the lower secondary education school. Awarded Specialisation Diploma.
- Σχολές Τουριστικής Εκπαίδευσης
- Σχολές Τουριστικών Επαγγελμάτων
- Κέντρα Ανωτέρας Τεχνικής Εκπαίδευσης
- Δημόσιες Τεχνικές Σχολές Υπομηχανικών
- Κέντρα Επαγγελματικής και Τεχνικής Εκπαίδευσης
- Οργανισμός Τουριστικής Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης
- Κέντρα Ανωτέρας Τεχνικής και Επαγγελματικής Εκπαίδευσης
- Τεχνολογικό Εκπαιδευτικό Ίδρυμα
- Αθλητικό Λύκειο
- Ενιαίο Λύκειο
- Τεχνικό Λύκειο
- Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο
- Γυμνάσιο
- Τεχνικό Επαγγελματικό Εκπαιδευτήριο
- Τεχνικό Επαγγελματικό Λύκειο
i.e. Technical Vocational Lyceum Diploma was one qualification has both an Apolytirio and a Specialisation Diploma, 34 hours/week,
i.e. High School Diploma comprising core curriculum and tech-vocational curriculum subjects awarded one parchment with both curricula listed
- Ενιαίο Πολυκλαδικό Λύκειο. For a list of Specialties, see below click on the "":
Education issues
- Corruption in Greece in public sector has the first place of all EU countries, and is the most corrupt country in the European Union, a survey revealed in 2012. The Greek public schools lack a human resource development, having huge corruption at all education levels according to the Global Corruption Barometer. According to the 2019 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International, Greece is the 60th least corrupt country out of the 180 countries worldwide, scored 48% corruption out of 100%, of the perceived level of public level corruption on a scale of 0 to 100.
- Accounts of reports of the Greece National Transparency Authority show criminal offences, complaints, lawsuits and criminal prosecutions are against public school trainers, teachers and directors were found to commit violations; using profane, obscene, or ethnically offensive language; organized crime activities; copyright infringement; fraud; personal data theft; use of handphone and other unauthorised electronic and mobile devices during curriculum time; sexual abuse assault from students and teachers; corruption; forgery; extortion; illegal fees; embezzlement of school funds; all forms of bullying.
- The public Institute of Vocational Training trainer employment fixed-term contracts are restricted to specifically candidates only, while all the rest applicant trainers remain in vein. One official of Ministry of Education, public IEK director and deputy director are entitled each semester to decide who will be hire for IEK contracting trainers, while the subject to fulfilling the trainer entry criteria omits, as well many of them receive their contracting appointment using, as a rule, unfair means.
- The public school teachers and majorly the public ΙΕΚs trainers are not selected for their competence, ethic, value, and teaching performance. Rather, they are identified by virtue of their educational attainment. This very fact has discouraged proactive improvement of education and subsequently has reduced the quality in general.
- About 95% of public IEKs lack laboratories, premises, libraries, prescribed textbooks which they will have to be purchased at student its own cost. The main findings include IEK students’ delayed arrival in class and whole days and hours chronic absenteeism over the years permitted freely from many trainers who do not keep record of the student absence. The public IEK graduates have very lower limited employment rate with highly per cent rejection within labour market due to their lower performance.
- Individual employers often offer an exploitative internship or apprenticeship term to a student with a consequence of labour law violations.
- Many IEK trainers during class hours distributed on the school premises their personal printed cards to advertise their profit purpose services or goods which are on offer.
- The Greek public schooling is undergoing a crisis with the Greek Ministry of Education has consistently hides itself and refuses to answer officially once an official report and complaint has been submitted by officially students of a public school by using registered postal mail and/or via online with student's certified email account or student school authenticating user name and password serves as its electronic authorization, according harassment, disruptive behavior, threats, misconduct, criminal offenses, abuse, assault, fraud, malpractice, maladministration, discrimination, intimidation, that happen during the school's hours and breaks at school's premises performed either by other students or public school teachers and headteachers. This practice maily followed by the General Secretariat for Vocational Education and Training and Life-Long Learning of Greece Ministry of Education and its Department of Educational Personnel Administration of Life-Long Learning. There is no defence for this distinctly illegal act, vulgarity, corruption of the Ministry of Education.
- Greece was controversial for its legal disciplinary measure of school corporal punishment because was widely used and allowed in public schools, performed by school teachers under the Principal's express authority, until it was banned in 1998 at primary schools and in 2005 at secondary schools. The physical punishment took place in front of all students consisted in the form of caning the buttocks of a student with a paddle or strap, caning on the palm of the hand with a wood stick, hitting a student's face.
- The former government agency of ΟΕΕΚ had embezzled €6,000,000 of European Commission funds. Since 30 July 2010, an official investigation on the criminal conspiracy theft began from the EU Council of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and European Convention on Human Rights.
- One out of the three public school students in Greece have received physical violation and abuse include verbal at 56.5 percent, followed by physical abuse at a rate of 30.5 percent and the threat of social exclusion at 27.8 percent. Greece ranks 4th place of student bullying amongst Europe countries according to the 1st European Anti-Bullying Network Conference, "Bullying and Cyberbullying Across Europe", Conference Proceedings, Athens, 2015 EAN.
- Offences and corruption committed by highly rank or wealth persons holding public education school positions are rarely properly and transparently prosecuted.
- The tuition fee requirement from the most Greek Higher Education Institutes postgraduate programmes is contrary and entirely violating the Constitution of Greece, that all Greek citizens are entitled to free education on all levels at state educational institutions. The same violation act was done from the founding of the Institutes of Vocational Training where all public IEK students were required to pay up to €367 statute fee for every semester up until the 2012-2013 academic year, that has been repealed since 2013-2014 academic year.