Zone naturelle d'intérêt écologique, faunistique et floristique
A Zone naturelle d'intérêt écologique, faunistique et floristique, abbreviated as ZNIEFF, is a type of natural environment recognized by France.
The inventory of a ZNIEFF area is an inventory of natural resources and scientific program launched in 1982 by Minister of Environment Huguette Bouchardeau and confirmed by the Act of July 12, 1983 called the Bouchardeau act. A ZNIEFF is not a measure of regulatory protection, but an inventory. It corresponds to the census of outstanding natural land areas in the twenty-two metropolitan areas as well as the overseas departments of France. The designation of a ZNIEFF based primarily on the presence of species or groups of species with strong heritage interest. The presence of at least one population of critical species defines a ZNIEFF.
This is one of the bases for prioritizing natural heritage issues as part of the :fr:Stratégies régionales pour la biodiversité|National Biodiversity Strategy, or :fr:Stratégies régionales pour la biodiversité|Regional Biodiversity Strategies, :fr:Stratégie nationale de création d'aires protégées|National Strategy for creation of protected areas, etc. It is used for environmental impact assessment. The Belgian equivalent of the ZNIEFF is the :fr:Site de grand intérêt biologique|Site of Biological Interest.
- The program was launched in 1982 by the Direction de la protection de la nature of the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, with the support of the French National Museum of Natural History; The goal of this undertaking was to produce an inventory for the entire country, areas of greater ecological interest "primarily from the perspective of the Department provide a tool for decision support".
- The scientific validation of the nature inventories in each region by the Regional Scientific Council of the natural heritage and nationally by the National Museum of Natural History constitute the heart of the national Inventory of natural Heritage;
- In 1984, the Overseas Department was added to the inventory;
- 1987: 1st publication of an informative brochure and outreach entitled "Notre Patrimoine Naturel", on the inventory, with a map scaled at 1:250000 of ZNIEFFs of each region and creating the positions assistant prefects, under the aegis of :fr:Direction régionale de l'Environnement to control and validate the inventory of each region.
- In 1993, the :fr:Loi Paysage|Countryside Act "the State may decide to develop local and regional inventories of fauna and flora heritage. The local authorities are aware of this development. These inventories are studied under the scientific responsibility of the National Museum of Natural History."
- In 1993, The ZNIEFFs allow production of the preliminary inventory to the implementation of the European Directive No. 92-43 on the conservation of natural and semi-natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora so-called "Habitats Directive-Fauna-Flora".
- In late 1994, a phase of "modernization of ZNIEFF" was officially launched by the Directorate of nature and countryside. There is talk of a "second generation" inventory;
- 1995: Launch of a ZNIEFF updated with a modernized and refined method ;
- In 1997 :fr:Institut français de l'environnement|French Institute for the Environment and National Museum of Natural History jointly produced at the request of the Ministry of Environment, the first methodological guide clarifying definitions and coordinating and harmonizing regional approaches, which still varied widely. The development of more efficient and less expensive computer tools enabled data processing to facilitate the harmonization of regional inventories primarily driven by Volunteers, under the direction of DRAE ;
- The law of 27 February 2002 on grassroots democracy created the :fr:Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel|National inventory of natural heritage entrusted to the Museum. Article L. 411-5 III of the Code of environment places the responsibility for the scientific coordination of inventory natural heritage programs in MNHN and strengthens CSRPN, allowing in particular, under certain conditions, access to the private property to complete the inventory, even though Europe also imposed more accurate inventories in part of the 'Habitats' Directive or the Water Directive ;
- In 2004, under the leadership of the Museum, the concept of ":fr:espèce déterminante|critical species" was becoming increasingly important, to play a major role in the new characterization ZNIEFF. The method of delimitation of boundaries is refined to be clear and indisputable.
- The ZNIEFF type I zones, of a small area, are consistent from an ecological point of view and areas that have at least one species and/or rare or threatened habitat, interest both local and regional, national or communal; or these are areas of great functional interest to the local ecological functioning.
- The ZNIEFF type II zones have great rich natural interest, or slightly modified, which offer important biological potential. They may include areas of type I and have a functional as well as ecological and countryside consistency role.
Up to 9 April 2013, ZNIEFFs were upgraded and validated for the following territories: Limousin, Normandy, Champagne-Ardenne, Picardie, Pays-de-la-Loire, Poitou-Charentes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Rhône-Alpes, Center, Corsica, Languedoc-Roussillon, Ile-de-France, Auvergne, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Lot-et-Garonne, Guyana and Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon.
This inventory is, in addition to an instrument of knowledge, one of the major elements of French conservation policy and taking into account the environment and spatial planning and in some projects creating protected areas or in the development of departmental career paths for the operation of conglomerates.French jurisprudence confirms that it is not creating an inventory for measuring regulatory protection and does not prohibit planning. However, it must be included in all the accompanying planning documents
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