
The surname Ziegenfuss is German and means "goat foot", which can be traced back to the 15th century. It is a relatively rare name, which arises in Germany particularly in the Ruhr district, in the Eichsfeld and in the Odenwald.


interpret the prefix goat in surnames such as goat foot, goat leg, and goat neck in the form of dryly, thin, etc. Probably the first person with this name had thin, possibly also whitish legs, so that it was used first as a nickname and later as a surname by his descendants.


research came to the following results: The origin of all lines is the Eichsfeld area in Thuringia. Some people were mentioned in documents of the Protestant Reformation, e.g. Claus Zcegenfoess in 1525 whose home was burned down together with the monastery Beuren by rebellious farmers in the German Peasants' War. In the Turk tax lists of 1542 and 1548 further family members in the region emerge. In 1597 a Ziegenfuss became a citizen of the city of Duderstadt and between 1585 and 1604 "Ziegenfi"" were mentioned in Goslar. The oldest well-known denomination of the name took place in 1470 in the land register of the nearby city Mühlhausen.


So far the following Ziegenfuss lines are known: