World on Fire (TV series)

World on Fire is a British war drama series written by Peter Bowker. The first series aired in 2019 in the UK and in 2020 in the US, on PBS. A second has been commissioned by the BBC.


The series follows the hidden lives of ordinary people from Britain, Poland, France, Germany and the United States during World War II. The drama switches its scenes between various locations in France, Britain, Germany and Poland. It features repeated visits to Paris, Warsaw, Manchester, Berlin and Dunkirk.



Series 1 (2019)

Series 2

According to a PBS article, the second series will continue from the end of the first but no date was available as of May 2020 for the US airing. Writer/Creator Peter Bowker offered these hints:
Kasia and Lois will meet, and the fallout from that, I think for everybody, will be interesting and fascinating. Season 2 will start, historically, with the blitz in the Northwest of England. And North Africa will be very much the field of battle. We’ll find out more about Webster’s family history. Nancy will finally have to leave Berlin near the start of the series, for crossing a line, and we will also find out more about Nancy. And she will carry on. She will definitely be in the Soviet Union for some of it.... And Lois, of course, trapped in a rather Brontë-esque, loveless marriage with Vernon.


The seven-part series was commissioned by the BBC in October 2017, with Peter Bowker writing. Casting began in October 2018, with Helen Hunt and Lesley Manville amongst the first additions and filming beginning in Prague. Sean Bean was cast in November.
Filming took place in Chester in November 2018, Liverpool in March 2019 and also included other locations such as Prague, Lytham St. Annes, Wigan and Lyme Park.


Critical reception

World on Fire was reviewed positively by Lucy Mangan of The Guardian. The historical accuracy of some elements of the series, however, was criticised by some reviewers, including Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens.