Wide-Eye is an animated children's television series set in fictional Natterjack Forest. The series consists of a series of ten-minute episodes and is about a wise, old owl who lives in a tall tree with his young son, Little Hoot, and his energetic girlfriend, Flea.
Main Characters
Wide Eye the Owl – The star of the show who lives in the tallest tree in the forest with his son, Little Hoot and his girlfriend, Flea. Wide Eye is fatherly, gentle and reliable. He watches over all the animals to make sure they are all safe and happy and speaks in a deep voice.
Little Hoot – - Wide Eye's son. He is brave and strong, speaks in a high-pitched voice, has a vivid imagination, can see in the dark and is eager to learn, although like many children, he is sometimes daunted by new challenges.
Flea – - Little Hoot's special girlfriend. She speaks in a childish English accent, has an enchanting nature, can jump the highest and is always ready to join in with Little Hoot's adventures.
The Natterjack Toads – Several green and orange toadlets who live and play at Natterjack Pond.
Mother Natterjack – - A female orange toad who is mother of the Natterjack Toads.
Great Grandma Toad - Another female orange toad who is grandmother of the Natterjack Toads. She wears purple glasses and often cooks healthy food for the natterjack toads to share.
Father Natterjack – A male green toad who is father of the Natterjack Toads.
99 the Centipede – - Lives in a burrow. Easily distracted, he tries his best to count and match his many pairs of boots, but he keeps losing count and is forced to start over and over again.
Conchita the Chinchilla - The kind-hearted soul of the forest with blue and white ears who speaks in a Chilean accent. Conchita lives under the roots of a tree. She dances and sings as well as cooking South American food for all the forest animals to share. She can often be seen wearing exotic Chilean clothing.
Rangatang the Orangutan – - Lives in a treehouse. He often plays jokes on the other forest animals as well as bringing fun and games to the forest and running a cornershop.
Hetty Hornet – Lives in a beehive and likes things to be clean and tidy. She always tries to keep the other forest animals on their toes by handing out useful little tasks to keep them busy.
The Fireflies - Several nocturnal fireflies who appear every night of the year in Natterjack Forest. The fireflies make buzzing sounds instead of saying words.
Wily Komodo – The villain who appears in almost every episode. He almost always causes mischief in Natterjack Forest. He lives in a rocky, roofless den with his young son, Baby Komodo, and because time is never on his side, he causes nothing but mayhem wherever he goes.
Baby Komodo – Wily Komodo's accident-prone young son who is fond of swimming. Although he desperately wants to be as silly as Wily Komodo as well as be friends with the other forest animals, his main skills are dribbling, running, and din-making.
Batwing the Bat - Wily Komodo's spy. She sleeps upside down in a rocky cave and can fly unaided, even by night.
The Moon - A real, faceless, silent moon which appears every night of the year in Natterjack Forest. The moon is not always seen in the sky, but its only role is to brighten up the darkness in the forest between Dusk and Dawn every day of the year.
The Sun - A real, silent, faceless, dazzling, hot star which appears during various episodes, including Snapdragon Monster and The Forest Regatta. The sun generally shines in the sky above Natterjack Forest between Dawn and Dusk every day of the year, but, although it is not always seen in the sky and can hurt the forest animals' eyes and make them go blind, it is by far the most important source of energyfor life in the forest.