What on Earth (Canadian game show)

What on Earth is a Canadian television panel game show and discussion program which aired on CBC Television from 1971 to 1975. It was based on the 1959 CBC game show Who Knows?


The series featured items from the Royal Ontario Museum, the Ontario Science Centre and other facilities. These were brought before a panel who attempted to identify the objects. After the object's identity was guessed or revealed, it was the subject of further conversation by participants.


This half-hour series was broadcast as follows :
DayTimeSeason runNotes
Monday2:00 p.m.4 January 19716 September 1971
Wednesday7:30 p.m.5 July 197213 September 1972
Monday10:30 p.m.28 May 197310 September 1973
Thu/Friday2:00 p.m.3 April 197518 April 1975
Monday to Friday2:00 p.m.21 April 197525 April 1975

Episodes were rebroadcast from July to September 1971, in June 1975 and from May to August 1977.