Walter Loosli
Walter Robert Loosli was a Swiss sculptor, woodcut engraver and maker of painted stained glass panels and windows.
Loosli was born in La Chaux-d'Abel, a part of Sonvilier in the canton of Bern, Switzerland. He trained first as a primary school teacher and therapist in Bern, but went on to further training in the School of Art in Bern. He learned drawing with Hans Schwarzenbach and Max von Mühlenen. He also studied sculpture with Salvatore Meli in Rome.
Since 1972 Loosli has worked as an independent artist. His principal activity is the fitting-out and decoration of rooms, particularly churches.
Loosli has lived since 1954 in the village of Köniz, where he also has a gallery.Exhibitions
- 1991 Galerie Heubühne Oberdiessbach: sculptures and woodcuts
- 1992 Könizer Galerie: murals and stained or painted glass windows
- 1995 Postmuseum Prag: graphics and drawings
- 2001 Könizer Galerie: new glass
- 2005 Kirchgemeindehaus Johannes Bern: glass, woodcuts, sculptures
- 2006 Eglise du Pasquart Bienne: stained or painted glass windows
Selected works
- 1973 District Prison, Bern: ceramic wall decoration in the foyer
- 1991/92 Catholic Church, Interlaken: Feuer und Wasser, Himmel und Erde – two windows in the nave ; Himmlisches Jerusalem und Weltenrad – two clerestory windows ; Pfingstwunder – group of windows over the main entrance and two flanking windows ; Maria im Strahlenkranz and Drei Lilien – four windows in the side chapel
- 1997/99 Rüegsau Church: Karfreitag, Ostern, Pfingsten – three windows in the choir ; Die sieben Schöpfungstage – seven windows in the nave
- 2004 "Talita kum – Mädchen steh auf!" woodcuts by Walter Loosli, texts by Klara Butting and Gerard Minnaard
- 1999/2011 stained glass windows in Kappelen Church
- Walter Loosli, Stefan Trümpler, Heinz Zwahlen, Fred Zaugg: Glasfenster und Wandgestaltung. Stämpfli Verlag: Bern