Walking the Edge

Walking the Edge is a 1985 crime film and action film directed by Norbert Meisel, written by Curt Allen, and starring Robert Forster, Nancy Kwan, Joe Spinell, A Martinez, James McIntire, Wayne Woodson, Luis Contreras.


A criminal gang led by Brusstar enters a home with the intention of killing a man. A housewife, Christine, survives the hit that kills her husband and young son. Shocked, she discovers that her upstanding citizen of a husband was a drug dealer. She decides to take revenge on the criminal gang that has murdered her husband and son.
A down on his luck L.A. taxi driver and numbers runner, Jason Walk unwittingly becomes involved and helps her in her quest to survive and take revenge on the people who murdered her family.


The film was released on videocassette in 1985 by Vestron Video. Afterwards, Anchor Bay released the film onto DVD in 2000. The DVD contained a commentary by director Norbert Meisel and stars Nancy Kwan and Robert Forster.