Veřejná bezpečnost

Public Security, Slovak: Verejná bezpečnosť ) was the regular police force of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, created in 1945 as a branch of the National Security Corps, which also included State Security, Armed Airport Security ) and Armed Railway Security,.
The VB was divided into the Public Order and Traffic VB, Criminal Investigations VB,
and an Infrastructure Security section. There were regional, district, city and local detachments of the force. On 15 June 1991, it ceased to exist and its functions transferred to the new police forces of the Czech and Slovak republics.
The VB were permitted to demand from any citizen an občanský průkaz. This booklet contained a photograph and information such as name, current address and place of employment. As carrying an občanský průkaz was mandatory; a person could be detained for simply not having one in their possession.
The auxiliary wing was the 'Public Security Auxiliary Guard', recruited from "politically reliable" citizens over the age of 21, who wore a red arm-band with "PS VB". They were generally used for traffic control and public order duties.
VB vehicles were originally blue with a white line along the side. Later vehicles had panels painted orange and white in a similar pattern to American 'black and whites', which the pattern's designer admitted after the fall of the regime was his inspiration. The full name 'Veřejná bezpečnost' was used with the blue design while later vehicles had only the letters 'VB' written the white doors.
VB uniforms were also originally dark blue until the 1960s, when they changed to a khaki colour described officially as 'nettle green', with rank insignia on red epaulettes, which did not follow Soviet patterns, except for junior officers.

Rank structure

Rank in CzechEnglish TranslationInsignia
PraporčickéWarrant Officers/NCO's
RotnýJunior Sergeantone silver star
StrážmistrSergeanttwo silver stars
NadstrážmistrStaff Sergeantthree silver stars
PodpraporčíkJunior Warrant Officerone silver star with silver edging to epaulette
PraporčíkWarrant Officertwo silver stars with silver edging
NadpraporčíkSenior Warrant Officerthree silver stars with silver edging
Důstojnické hodnostiOfficers
PodporučíkJunior Lieutenantone gold star
PoručíkLieutenanttwo gold stars
NadporučíkSenior Lieutenantthree gold stars, arranged in triangle
KapitánCaptainthree gold stars arranged in a triangle, with a fourth above them
MajorMajorone gold star with gold edging to epaulette
PodplukovníkLieutenant Coloneltwo gold stars with gold edging
PlukovníkColonelthree gold stars, arranged in triangle, with gold edging
GenerálovéGeneral Officers
GenerálmajorMajor Generalone large gold star with crossed staffs and gold braid edging
GenerálporučíkLieutenant Generaltwo large gold stars with crossed staffs and gold braid edging
GenerálplukovníkColonel Generalthree large gold stars with crossed staffs and gold braid edging

Media portrayal

The work of the VB was portrayed in the very popular 1970's Czechoslovak police procedural Thirty Cases of Major Zeman, which consisted of thirty hour-long programmes each documenting a year between 1945 and 1975, mostly inspired by real cases but still heavily skewed to Communist ideology.