United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine

The United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine is an online collection of texts of current and historical United Nations decisions and publications concerning the question of Palestine, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and other issues related to the Middle East situation.
UNISPAL-Select contains a selection of the most important U.N. documents on these issues. The Special Focus section features documents on recent developments. The Supplement features non-U.N. documents on these issues.

Link maintenance

For some reason, UNISPAL uses long URL's and then provides a shorter "permalink" in which the first character series is replaced by a zero and "?OpenDocument" is removed. For example:
;original URL: https://unispal.un.org/unispal.nsf/47d4e277b48d9d3685256ddc00612265/ca5da7035bf2212c85257f14005d258e?OpenDocument
;Permalink: https://unispal.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF/0/CA5DA7035BF2212C85257F14005D258E
Yet, the permalinks are broken since 2015. To repair, insert "DPA/DPR/":

The same applies to similar links:
https://domino.un.org/unispal.nsf/9a798adbf322aff38525617b006d88d7/75155d14e30f2c6a85256f6c005743a9!OpenDocument becomes: