Tsuribaka Nisshi

Tsuribaka Nisshi is a fishing manga by Jūzō Yamasaki and Kenichi Kitami that has been serialized in Big Comic Original since 1979. It won the 28th Shogakukan Manga Award in 1983. The series has been adapted into a popular and long running movie series, as well as an anime television series.


The story focuses on salaryman Densuke Hamasaki, whom his supervisor Sasaki has dubbed the "Fishing Baka" because of his passion for fishing. One day Hama-chan meets and befriends an older fisherman named Su-san, who turns out to be Ichinosuke Suzuki, the CEO of the "Suzuki Construction" company that Hama-chan works for. The stories tend to focus on their relationship inside and outside of the office.


;Densuke Hamasaki
;Michiko Hamasaki
;Koitarō Hamasaki
;Ichinosuke Suzuki
;Kazuo Sasaki
;Kenichirō Dago
;Tetsuo Akiyama
;Ichirō Asamoto
;Kōzō Doi
;Haruo Inagawa

Film series

