Tribe Cool Crew

Tribe Cool Crew is a 2014 Japanese anime series produced by Sunrise, and later by its subsidiary, BN Pictures. The series, directed by Masaya Fujimori, aired on TV Asahi between September 28, 2014 and October 4, 2015. The series is licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks.


One day, Haneru Tobitatsu, a middle school student who loves to dance, meets Kanon Otosaki, a girl who is also skilled at dancing, but is shy about doing it in public. As the two get to know each other, they team up with three other dancers; Kumo, Mizuki, and Yuzuru, to form the dance group Tribe Cool Crew.


Tribe Cool Crew

;Cool Crew
;Tribal Soul

Blossom Bullets

;Explos1ve Machine Guns
;Team Sakura

Other dance groups

;With the Grandiose Yatsugatake Range to the East, the Lake Suwa's Waters Shine Clear, and On its Shores, We Perform the Steps of a New Dawn

Dance Road

;Jey El
;Master T

Other characters

;Tetsuo Tobitatsu
;Mariko Tobitatsu
;Ayumu Itou



The series, produced by Sunrise and later BN Pictures, aired on TV Asahi in Japan between September 28, 2014 and October 4, 2015 and was simulcast by Crunchyroll. The series is directed by Masaya Fujimori and written by Atsuhiro Tomioka, with character design by Yoshiaki Yanagida and music production by Avex Proworks and A-bee. The opening theme is "Heartbeat" performed by Lol. The series is licensed in North America by Sentai Filmworks. Like most of the anime television series that are broadcast on TV Asahi. The anime incorporates all the credits into the opening theme and there is no ending theme or ending for the show. A first for Sunrise's anime television series since it aired on TV Asahi.

Video game

A video game by Bandai Namco Entertainment, titled Tribe Cool Crew: The G@me, was released on May 28, 2015 for the Nintendo 3DS.