Touching Evil (American TV series)

Touching Evil is an American crime drama television series, based on the British series of the same name created by Paul Abbott. It starred Jeffrey Donovan as Detective David Creegan and Vera Farmiga as Creegan's partner Detective Susan Branca. Brian Markinson, Kevin Durand and Zach Grenier co-starred. The premise of this adaptation was somewhat different from the UK series' storyline. Rather than acquiring the ability to sense criminals, Creegan's recovery from a gunshot wound to the head instead strips him of his impulse control and sense of shame.
The series was produced by actor Bruce Willis' production company Cheyenne Enterprises, and premiered on March 12, 2004. It ran for 12 episodes, ending on June 14, 2004. Although Touching Evil garnered acclaim from television critics, the USA Network deemed it commercially unsuccessful and opted not to renew the series for a second season.


Returning from a year-long psychological leave of absence after surviving an almost-fatal gunshot wound to the head, Detective David Creegan is assigned to the FBI's Organized and Serial Crime Unit – a rapid-response, elite crime investigation squad – where he and his new partner, Detective Susan Branca, find themselves committed to saving lives and solving cases. In spite of his inability to abide by common sense and the laws he is sworn to uphold, Creegan, with the help of Branca, works on hunting down the most vicious criminals on the streets.

