Timeline of the near future

This is a timeline of the near future, covering predicted or calculated events from the present until the end of the 23rd century.

21st century



  • 2100: On March 14, the difference between the Julian calendar and the Gregorian calendar reaches 14 days. Since 14 is divisible by 7, this will be the first time in history since its inception that the Gregorian calendar has the same day of the week for each day of the year as the Julian calendar. This will last until February 28, 2200 of the Gregorian Calendar.
  • Polaris appears furthest North. Polaris's maximum apparent declination will be 0.4526° from the celestial north pole, on 24 March 2100.
  • 2103: Per an agreement between the National Archives and Caroline Kennedy, the jacket Jackie Kennedy wore on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated cannot be displayed in public until this year.


  • 2110: According to Extreme Engineering from Discovery Channel, proposed Japanese mega-project Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid could be completed at this time.
  • 2113: August will be the first time Pluto reaches aphelion since its discovery.
  • 2114: Sedna overtakes Eris as the farthest known spheroid orbiting the Sun.
  • 2117: December 10–11: Transit of Venus.


  • 2123:
  • * Triple conjunction Mars–Jupiter.
  • * June 9: Long-duration lunar eclipse of approximately 106.1 minutes.
  • * At 15:28 UTC, on September 14, Venus will eclipse Jupiter.
  • 2125: December 8: Transit of Venus.
  • 2126: At 16:08 UTC on July 29, Mercury will occult Mars.


  • 2134: Halley's Comet returns to the inner Solar System


  • 2140: All Bitcoins will be mined.
  • 2148: Triple conjunction Mars–Saturn.


  • 2150: June 25: Solar eclipse of 7 min 14 s, Solar Saros 139. This will be the first time an eclipse has exceeded 7 minutes of totality in 177 years; the last time this occurred was on June 30, 1973, when the Concorde prototype followed the totality spot for 73 minutes.


  • 2160: March 17 – Unless changes are made as to when Easter can be observed, this particular March 17 will fall within Holy Week for the first time since 2008 and fall on the same day as it did in that year, likely requiring the movement of the Feast of Saint Patrick's Day to another date.
  • 2168: July 5: Solar eclipse of 7 min 26 s, Saros 139.


  • 2170: Triple conjunction Mars–Jupiter.
  • 2174: The second full orbit of Neptune around the sun since its discovery in 1846.


  • 2185: Triple conjunction Mars–Saturn.
  • July 16, 2186 : Solar eclipse of 7m 29 s, Saros 139, "crowning" this series. This is predicted to be the longest eclipse during the current 10,000 year period, from 4000 BC to AD 6000.
  • 2187: Triple conjunction Mars–Saturn.


  • 2197: September 2: Venus occults Spica. The Moon will occult Neptune on December 24.

    23rd century


  • 2209: Return of Halley's Comet.


  • 2221: Triple conjunction of Mars and Saturn.
  • 2223: On December 2 at 12:32 UTC, Mars will occult Jupiter.


  • Triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.


  • 2240: 7th millennium begins in the Hebrew calendar.
  • 2243: On August 12 at 04:52 UTC, Venus will occult Saturn.
  • 2247: Transit of Venus on June 11.


  • 2251: On March 4 at 10:52 UTC, Venus will occult Uranus.
  • 2253: On August 1, Mercury occults Regulus.
  • 2255: Transit of Venus on June 9.


  • 2265: Return to perihelion by the Great Comet of 1861.


  • 2279: Triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.


  • 2281, 2282: Grand trine of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This last occurred in 1769 and 1770.
  • 2284: Possible the perihelion of Halley's Comet might come back after the year 2209.
  • 2285: Unless changes are made in the religious calendar, the Western Easter will fall on March 22 for the first time since 1818, the earliest possible date on which Easter can occur.
