In 1948 he joined the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California, where he remained until his death in 1978. While at SRI he did research involving dynamic phenomena including explosivesweather and eventually Biosonar. Poulter devised sesimic pattern shooting in the 1950s, and accourding to W. Harry Mayne, Poulter's "method called for a pattern of explosive charges to be mounted on poles." He became interested in seals after visiting the elephant seal colony at Año Nuevo Island off the coast of California in 1961. The seal colony there included elephant seals, sea lionsharbor seals and many others. He began studying the seal colonies in 1962 and was active in having the island protected as a biological preserve in 1967. The Poulter Laboratory at SRI International was named after him. After he retired from managing Poulter Labs he founded the Bio Sonar Lab and Marine Mammal Study Center for SRI in the Coyote Hills outside of Fremont CA. There he did research on a number of marine mammals. He was fond of them as he described in a "Note" for the Arctic. He died on June 4, 1978 in Menlo Park, California while working in his laboratory.
Poulter, Thomas C., HYDRAULIC PUMP, Patent No. 2,333,885. United States Patent Office.
Poulter, Thomas C., METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CASTING METAL, Patent No. 2,379,401. United States Patent Office.
Poulter, T. C., Allen, C. F., and Miller, S. W., Seismic measurements on the Taku Glacier, in Geophysical studies in the Antarctic; Contract N8onr 526, ProjectNo. NR-081-020, published by the Stanford Research Institute.
Poulter, T. C. The Poulter seismic method of geophysical exploration, Geophysics, Vol. 1 5, pp. 1 81 -207.
Poulter, T. C., The Poulter Seismic Method, The Canadian Mining and Metalluraical Bulletin, May, pp. 258–267.
Poulter, Thomas C., METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SEISMIC EXPLORATION, Patent No. 2,672,204. United States Patent Office.
Poulter, T. C., Meteor observations in the Antarctic; Byrd Antarctic Expedition II, 1933-1935. Stanford Research Institute
Poulter, T. C. 1963. Sonar signals of the sea lion. Science, 139 753-755
Poulter, T. C. 1963. The sonar of the sea lion. Inst. Elec. Electron. Eng. Trans., 10, 109-111
Pressure regulation in the middle ear cavity of sea lions: a possible mechanism S Odend'hal, T C Poulter Science. 1966 Aug 12;153 :768-9 5940898
R C Hubbard, T C Poulter 1968 Seals and sea lions as models for studies in comparative biology Lab Anim Care. 1968 Apr ;18 :Suppl:288-97 4233361
Watkins, W.; Singleton, R.; Poulter, T. Comments on spectral analysis of the calls of the Male Killer Whale Audio and Electroacoustics, IEEE Transactions on Volume 16, Issue 4, Dec 1968 Page: 523 - 523
W B Neff, M T Sullivan, T C Poulter A magnetic-drive circulator designed for completely closed carbon dioxide absorption systems Anesthesiology. 1979 Aug ;51 :169-70 453621