Thekkalur village is located in Avanashi Tehsil of Tiruppur district in Tamil Nadu, India. It is situated 8 km away from the sub-district headquarters Avanashi and 22km away from the district headquarters Tiruppur.Nearest airport Coimbatore 29 km As per 2009 stats, Thekkalur village is also a gram panchayat.According to the 2011 Census, the location code or village code of Thekkalur is 644762.
The total geographical area of the village is 2141.91 hectares. Thekkalur has a total population of 12,688 people. There are about 3,031 houses in Thekkalur village. Avinashi is the nearest town to Thekkalur. It is the leading textile manufacturing and powerloom hub. It has major textile manufacturers like Kitex ltd. Skantha Cotton Yarn.karthik tex. Sengalipalayam. superior textures, Sri Balaji textiles. It is the hometown for Arpudha clothing
. Sub
P Gandhi Nagar, Sennimalaipalayam,Sooripalayam,, Aeripalayam, Kammanaiken Palayam, Sengali Palayam, Vellandipalayam,Thimmanayam Palayam, This above all under Thekkalur panchayat postal.