The Van Dyke Show

The Van Dyke Show is an American sitcom starring Dick Van Dyke and his son Barry Van Dyke which aired on CBS from October 26 to December 7, 1988. The series marked the second time the real-life father-son actors worked together, after Dick guest-starred in a 4th season episode of Airwolf with Barry as the leading man.


The series centers on Matt Burgess, who runs a small regional theater in Pennsylvania, and his father Dick Burgess, a Broadway musical star. Dick decided to give up Broadway to live and work with his son at the theater. The theater's staff included Doc, the stage manager, Jillian, Matt's secretary, and Eric, Matt's helper.


The series was generally panned by critics and failed to generate sufficient ratings. CBS announced the series' cancellation on December 14, 1988, one week after the sixth episode aired. The remaining four episodes of the ten produced were never aired.
