The Tony Danza Show (1997 TV series)
The Tony Danza Show is an American sitcom television series starring Tony Danza, Majandra Delfino, Dean Stockwell, Ashley Malinger, Maria Canals, and Shaun Weiss that aired on NBC from September 24 to December 10, 1997, during the 1997 fall line up. The show aired 5 episodes before being cancelled, leaving 9 episodes unaired.
Tony Danza won "Favorite Male Performer In A New TV Series" at the 24th People's Choice Awards for his performance in the show.Premise
Tony DiMeo is a single father of two daughters and a sports writer who can't use a computer. Tina is a 16-year-old rebellious teen, while Mickey is an 11-year-old hypochondriac.Cast
- Tony Danza as Tony DiMeo
- Maria Canals as Carmen Cruz
- Shaun Weiss as Stuey Mandelker
- Majandra Delfino as Tina DiMeo
- Ashley Malinger as Mickey DiMeo
- Dean Stockwell as Frank DiMeo