The series begins in Sun Coast, Florida, where Curtis and Ella Payne came to attend the funeral of Curtis' Uncle Robert. Their trip takes an unexpected turn when Ella and Curtis get roped into a real estate deal, landing them in a new community with a new church and unfamiliar family members. The family is thrown straight back into the issues that viewers find in their everyday lives. As life lessons abound, Ella finds a new business, new home and new purpose.
Cast and characters
Curtis Payne – Ella's husband and JoAnn's cousin. Without consulting his wife, Curtis sells his old home and buys the house of his late uncle as well as the laundromat at the suggestion of his cousin, only to find both in ruins. Furious at first, he comes to see the effect the move has on his wife and lets it go. His return appearance in the episode "A Surprise for the Paynes".
Ella Payne – Curtis' wife. While Ella is furious at her husband for not consulting her, she soon comes to see enjoy the effect of the move and lets her anger go to make a new start. Her return appearance in the episode "A Surprise for the Paynes".
JoAnn Payne – Curtis' cousin and Ryan's mother who tricked him into buying his late uncle's dilapidated home as well as a broken-down laundromat in order to make profits for her church. Her first appearance in the episode "A Surprise for the Paynes".
Nyla – Kenny and Lynn's mother. a young woman who works with JoAnn at the church. She begins to live with Curtis and Ella after encountering her in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend Kendrick. She has two young kids, Kenny and Lynn. Her first appearance in the episode "Revelations of Payne".
Ryan Payne – JoAnn's son and Curtis's nephew. He works at the laundromat and was amused when his relatives bought the dump. He often butts heads with Curtis, but comes to see him as family and reaches common ground with him. His first appearance in the episode "Revelations of Payne".
Kenny – Nyla's son and Lynn's brother. He is somewhat disrespectful to adults and butts heads with Curtis at times but begins to warm up to him. His first appearance in the episode "Cleaning Up the Payne".
Lynn – Nyla's daughter and Kenny's sister. Like Kenny, she also butts heads with Curtis but also warms up to him as well. Her first appearance in the episode "Cleaning Up the Payne".
Terrance – The head contractor who Ella hires to repair the laundromat. In the episode "Keep the Payne Away", he has an instant attraction to Nyla. His first appearance in the episode "Making Repairs".
Kendrick – Nyla's boyfriend, who is abusive to her. His first appearance in the episode "Revelations of Payne".
Calvin Payne – Curtis and Ella's only son.
Clarence "CJ" Payne Jr. – Curtis and Ella's nephew; the adopted son of Curtis' late brother.
Janine Payne – C.J.'s wife.
Malik Payne – C.J. and Janine's oldest child.
Jazmine Payne – C.J. and Janine's second-oldest child.
Agent Simms – He works with Margaret Davis, He appears in "A Payneful Bounce" and "A Payne Family Secret".
Margaret Davis – She works with Agent Simms, She appears in "A Payneful Bounce" and "A Payne Family Secret".
Homeless Woman – She former homeless from the church, He appears in "No Room for Payne".