The Life (2012 film)

The Life is a Ugandan drama feature film created, written and directed by Nana Kagga. The film features Ugandan actors including Gasuza Lwanga, Maureen Nankya, Elvis ‘Vamposs’ Kirya, Tibba Murungi, Susan Nava.
M-NET secured film screening rights and the film was shown on its Africa Magic channels.


THE LIFE is about friendship and betrayal. It is set on the Ugandan urban life scene and it tells an interwoven story of a group of 20-something friends from different backgrounds and the extremes they are prepared to go to as they try to achieve what they consider their dreams.


The film was shot at different locations in Kampala, Uganda. It was Savannah MOON's maiden full-length feature film production and Nana Kagga's debut at writing and directing.


secured film screening rights for THE LIFE and the film was shown on its Africa Magic channels.
The Soundtrack for the film was sung by Ruyonga, a prominent Ugandan rapper.
