The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1982 film)

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a 1982 British-American romantic drama TV film based on Victor Hugo's 1831 novel. It was directed by Michael Tuchner and Alan Hume and produced by Norman Rosemont and Malcolm J. Christopher. It starred Anthony Hopkins, Derek Jacobi, Lesley-Anne Down and John Gielgud. The film was produced as part of the long-running Hallmark Hall of Fame series and was televised on CBS on February 4, 1982.

Different ending

The ending of the 1982 movie is very different. Not only does Esmeralda survive, but she recognizes Quasimodo's kindness toward her and kisses him goodbye before she leaves in safety with the poet Gringoire. Quasimodo also kills Frollo in self-defense by impaling him on a hook in the wall rather than throwing him off of the tower. After Frollo is killed and Gringoire and Esmeralda leave, soldiers pursue Quasimodo and he plunges to his death from the parapet of Notre Dame, with the word "Why?" on his lips. The film ends without the audience knowing if Esmeralda and Gringoire learn of his death.
One plot element not in the novel is borrowed from the 1939 film adaptation: not only does Esmeralda survive at the end, but she eventually comes to love Gringoire and again as in that film, it is strongly implied that they stay together after he rescues her.
