The Case Study of Vanitas is a shōnenmanga series written and illustrated by Jun Mochizuki. Individual chapters are set to be serialized in Monthly Gangan Joker starting December 2015. Announced shortly after the end of Mochizuki's previous series, Pandora Hearts, the series' name was only revealed in Gangan JokerNovember 2015 issue. The Case Study of Vanitas is set in 19th-century Paris and contain vampire and steampunk thematics. On December 3, 2015, Yen Press announced on its official Twitter account that it would be publishing new chapters of the series concurrently with Japan. On April 2, 2020, Jun Mochizuki announced that the manga will be going on indefinite hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During a blimp ride to Paris, Noé Archiviste meets Vanitas: a human claiming to be a doctor for vampires, curing them of the malnomen which cause vampires to behave predatorily against their will. The book with which he heals, the Book of Vanitas, is connected to the original Vanitas, the Vampire of the Blue Moon, hated by the Vampires of the Red Moon who form traditional Vampire society. Noé and Vanitas join forces to heal vampires, but there lurks a threat of some unknown force named Charlatan which may be responsible for corrupting the sick vampires.
Noé Archiviste – A vampire who is ordered to discern the power of the Book of Vanitas by his teacher.
Vanitas – The owner of the Book of Vanitas, self-described doctor to vampires.
Vanitas of the Blue Moon – Original owner and creator of the book of Vanitas. The first blue moon vampire.
Lucius 'Luca' Oriflamme – A young noble Vampire. He is a nephew of Lord Ruthven.
Jeanne – Sometimes called The Hellfire Witch, she acts as a chevalier to Luca. She wields a crimson gauntlet called "Carpe Diem."
Dominique de Sade – A lady of de Sade Vampire aristocracy family. Along with her elder sister, she is an heir to the De Sade family.
Louis de Sade – Dominque's older brother and Noé's childhood friend.
Dante – A dhampir who sells Vanitas information.
Amelia Ruth – The vampire saved in the first arc of the manga; now works as a maid at the hotel where Vanitas and Noé stay in Paris.
Count Parks Orlok – In charge of vampire affairs in human Paris, who Noé and Vanitas report to.
Nox – One of Count Parks Orlok's personal security. She works alongside her brother, Manet.
Manet – One of Count Parks Orlok's personal security. He works alongside his sister, Nox.
Veronica de Sade – The elder sister of Dominique, a Beastia.
Lord Ruthven – An influential lord of Vampires who serves The Queen as a member of the senate.
Roland Fortis – A chasseur working in the Catacombs. Known as The Sixth Paladin or Roland of jasper. Previously Olivier's second in command before becoming a paladin. He wields a mighty spear called "Durandal."
Olivier – A chasseur paladin and an old friend to Roland. He wields a violent sword known as "Hauteclaire."
Astolfo Granatum – The youngest chasseur paladin. Known as Astolfo of garnet. Comes from a family with longstanding ties to the church. His family were killed by vampires. He wields a mighty spear called "Louisette."
The shapeless one/teacher – Grandfather to Louis, Dominique and Veronica de Sade. Noé's teacher and the reason Noé went to Paris. He has ties to the vampire Queen and is shrouded in mystery.