The Assailant
The Assailant is a 2009 Brazilian action-drama film directed by João Daniel Tikhomiroff. The film is about Besouro Mangangá, a Brazilian Capoeirista from the early 1920s, to whom were attributed some heroic and legendary deeds.
Huan-Chiu Ku, Kill Bills choreographer, is responsible for the film's fight scenes. Its filming lasted three months in Bahia.Cast
- Aílton Carmo as Besouro
- Sérgio Laurentino as Exu
- Anderson Grillo as Quero-Quero
- Sérgio Pererê as Orixá Ossaim
- Adriana Alves as Oxum
- Jessica Barbosa as Orixá Iansã/Dinorá
- Zebrinha as Orixá Ogum
- Macalé dos Santos as Master Alípio
- Flávio Rocha Coronel Venâncio
- Irandhir Santos as Noca de Antônia
- Geisa Costa as Dona Zulmira
- Miguel Lunardi
- Antônio Fábio as Serafim
- Nilton Júnior as Cobra Criada
- Denise Correia
- Servílio de Holanda as Genival
- Leno Sacramento as Chico Canoa