The Apprentice (Italian TV series)
The Apprentice is an Italian reality television series, in which a group of aspiring young businessmen and women compete for the chance to win a job as "apprentice" to Flavio Briatore, a business magnate.First edition
- Francesco Menegazzo, 29, Trader
;Other Contestants
- Alberto Belloni, 37, Businessman
- Beatrice Orlando, 33, College researcher
- Chiara Gallana, 24, Public relations attendant
- Davide Gaiardelli, 34, Businessman
- Donatello Bellomo, 33, Marketing advisor
- Enrico Perone, 25, Advertiser
- Enrico Tarantino, 27, Software developer
- Jessica Cibin, 26, Modeling agency manager
- Marcella Gamba, 39, Insurance agency manager
- Maria Elena Caruso, 29, Cosmetics agency CEO
- Martina Frappi, 25, Businessman and fashion designer
- Matteo Gatti, 38, Commercial consultant
- Norma Bossi, 27, Press office manager
- Silvia Fazzini, 24, Foreign languages student
- Stefano Di Dio, 36, Business advisor
Donatello and Norma haven't passed the last selection, so they are not part of the official cast.Second edition
;Other Contestants
- Anais Rean, 24, International sciences student
- Anna Zhitnikova, 28, Finance accounter in the lux sector
- Eleonora Smith, 24, Business administration student
- Fabio Cascione, 34, Commercial director in the wine sector
- Francesco Del Pesce, 31, Corporate lawyer
- Fulvio Cugno, 30, Web marketing businessman
- Ingrid Altomare, 34, Advertising & digital account director
- Marco Martinelli, 22, Biotechnology student
- Mario Crea, 34, Real estate manager
- Milena Pagani, 34, Sales manager in the amusement parks
- Muhannad Al Salhi, 25, Telecommunications sales manager
- Serena Marzucchi, 34, Public sector lawyer
- Simone Piadena, 42, Nightlife businessman