Given an abelian group A and a prime numberp, the p-adic Tate module of A is where A is the pn torsion of A, and the inverse limit is over positive integersn with transition morphisms given by the multiplication-by-p map A → A. Thus, the Tate module encodes all the p-power torsion of A. It is equipped with the structure of a Zp-module via
Given an abelian variety G over a field K, the Ks-valued points of G are an abelian group. The p-adic Tate module Tp of G is a Galois representation. Classical results on abelian varieties show that if K has characteristic zero, or characteristic ℓ where the prime number p ≠ ℓ, then Tp is a free module over Zp of rank 2d, where d is the dimension of G. In the other case, it is still free, but the rank may take any value from 0 to d. In the case where p is not equal to the characteristic of K, the p-adic Tate module of G is the dual of the étale cohomology. A special case of the Tate conjecture can be phrased in terms of Tate modules. Suppose K is finitely generated over its prime field, of characteristic different from p, and A and B are two abelian varieties over K. The Tate conjecture then predicts that where HomK is the group of morphisms of abelian varieties from A to B, and the right-hand side is the group of GK-linear maps from Tp to Tp. The case where K is a finite field was proved by Tate himself in the 1960s. Gerd Faltings proved the case where K is a number field in his celebrated "Mordell paper". In the case of a Jacobian over a curve C over a finite field k of characteristic prime to p, the Tate module can be identified with the Galois group of the composite extension where is an extension of k containing all p-power roots of unity and A is the maximal unramified abelian p-extension of.
Tate module of a number field
The description of the Tate module for the function field of a curve over a finite field suggests a definition for a Tate module of an algebraic number field, the other class of global field, introduced by Kenkichi Iwasawa. For a number field K we let Km denote the extension by pm-power roots of unity, the union of the Km and A the maximal unramified abelian p-extension of. Let Then Tp is a pro-p-group and so a Zp-module. Using class field theory one can describe Tp as isomorphic to the inverse limit of the class groups Cm of the Km under norm. Iwasawa exhibited Tp as a module over the completion ZpT and this implies a formula for the exponent of p in the order of the class groups Cm of the form The Ferrero–Washington theorem states that μ is zero.