Dynarski's research focuses on the impact of financial aid on college students and their families, improving the design of such programs to achieve the greatest benefit to students at the lowest cost to taxpayers, the effectiveness of charter schools, and the impact of price on private school attendance decisions. She has held editorial positions at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, The Journal of Labor Economics and Education Finance and Policy. She has been a board member of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, is past president of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, and is president-elect of the Midwest Economics Association. She has been awarded the "Public Service Matters" award from the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration for her work on college affordability and student debt, the Robert P. Huff Golden Quill Award from the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators for her research on student aid, and the Spencer Foundation Award for her research on education policy. In 2013 she and co-authors Joshua Hyman and Diane Schanzenbach were awarded the Raymond Vernon Memorial Award for the best article in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
Selected works
Susan Dynarski, Katherine Michelmore, CJ Libassi, and Stephanie Owen. . NBER Working Paper 25349.
Dynarski, S.. The New Merit Aid. In: Hoxby, C.M.. College Choices: The Economics of Where to Go, When to Go, and How to Pay For It. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 63-97.
Dynarski, S.. Building the stock of college-educated labor. Journal of Human Resources, 43, pp. 576-610.
Deming, D., Dynarski, S.. College Aid. In: Levine, P.B., Zimmerman, D.J.. Targeting Investments in Children: Fighting Poverty When Resources are Limited. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 283-302.
Dynarski, S.. The behavioral and distributional implications of aid for college. American Economic Review, 92, pp. 279-285.
Dynarski, S.M., Scott-Clayton, J.E.. The Cost of Complexity in Federal Student Aid: Lessons from Optimal Tax Theory and Behavioral Economics. National Tax Journal, 59, pp. 319-356.
Dynarski, S.M., Scott-Clayton, J.E.. Financial Aid Policy: Lessons from Research. The Future of Children, 23, pp. 67-91.
Dynarski, S. et al.. Can families smooth variable earnings? Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1997, pp. 229-303.
Angrist, J.D. et al.. Who benefits from KIPP? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 31, pp. 837-860.
Deming, D., Dynarski, S.. The lengthening of childhood. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22, pp. 71-92.
Abdulkadiroglu, A. et al.. Informing the debate: Comparing Boston's charter, pilot and traditional schools. Boston: Boston Foundation.
Angrist, J.D. et al.. Inputs and impacts in charter schools: KIPP Lynn. American Economic Review, 100, pp. 239-243.
Angrist, J.D. et al.. Stand and deliver: Effects of Boston's charter high schools on college preparation, entry, and choice. Journal of Labor Economics, 34, pp. 275-318.
Dynarski, S., Hyman, J., Schanzenbach, D.W.. Experimental evidence on the effect of childhood investments on postsecondary attainment and degree completion. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 32, pp. 692-717.