The plot of Supreme Warrior revolves around a warrior named Wei Jian Tsen who acquired a mask that could be split in half, with one half representing good and the other representing evil. When the two halves are combined, the wearer would have untold power. Wei Jian Tsen's second wife, Mei Tu, became influenced by the Black Flower Cult, a murderous group that utilized sorcery. In response, Wei had her executed, causing their only son, Fang Tu, to leave their clan. Wei then divided the mask and entrusted half to a Shaolin monk, while keeping the other half himself. Fang Tu returned to kill his father and take the mask. Knowing the situation, the monk, Master Kai, called upon the player to transport the other half of the mask from the Shaolin temple where it was stored to a secret sanctuary. The player is assisted by an ally named Wu Ching, portrayed in game by Vivian Wu. Supreme Warrior is a full motion video game, with a number of video sequences. Gameplay consists of fighting off Fang Tu's minions, and eventually Fang Tu himself. From a first-person perspective, a player can throw punches, kicks, and execute special moves.
When asked about the inspiration for the game, Tom Zito, president of Digital Pictures, said that "We asked game players what types of games we should create, and frankly, we were surprised when they kept telling us to make a game that recreates a kung fu movie." The video footage for Supreme Warrior was filmed on Shaw Brothers Studio sets in Hong Kong. Many of the actors, and even director Guy Norris, had extensive martial arts backgrounds, and the actors playing the game's enemies each choreographed their own fight routines. The game's fight sequences were mostly recorded using a head-mounted minicam worn by a stunt coordinator, while the sequences where the player character is hit were recorded with a padded hand-held camera which the actors would actually punch and kick.
The four reviewers of Electronic Gaming Monthly gave the 3DO version a unanimous score of 5 out of 10. While they praised the exceptionally good video quality and the innovation of having a fighting game from a first person perspective, they found that the gameplay did not work, and in particular that opponent attacks are excessively difficult to block. A reviewer for Next Generation remarked that "Digital Pictures' games are usually better to watch than play... however, with this title it may be on the edge of a viable game structure." He went on to say that the game, while a step in the right direction for the developer, suffers from a steep learning curve and a disconnect between the gameplay and the onscreen video. GamePros Slo Mo highly praised the production values of the game's full motion video, saying that it recreates the look and feel of a kung fu movie with such authenticity that "The only thing missing is the subtitles." Though he warned that the controls are complicated, he noted that they are responsive as well, and commented that taking the time to master the gameplay is rewarding. Three reviewers for VideoGames scored the game 5 out of 10, and praised the game's graphics though noting that the Sega CD version's video was more grainy. The reviewers panned the game's playability and overuse of full motion video, claiming the game "plays like a wet brick". GamePro's Slo Mo was slightly less approving of the Sega CD version. Though he praised the game's look "grainy Sega CD video notwithstanding," he remarked that the controls are problematic, particularly without a six-button controller. German magazine MAN!AC scored the Sega CD version 41%, while French magazine PlayerOne gave a 58%. Czech magazine Sega News reviewed the game more positively, giving Supreme Warrior a 91%. Electronic Gaming Monthly review team gave the 32X version a 5.375 out of 10. They praised the cheesy kung fu movie style video sequences and compelling storyline, but criticized the gameplay, saying that it is too difficult to effectively pull off attacks and progress. PlayerOne rated the 32X version at 70%, higher than it did the CD version. Mega Play scored the 32X version a 76 out of 100. In GamePro, Slo Mo's review of the 32X version praised it as having better graphics than the Sega CD version, and assessed the game as extremely difficult but rewarding.