Superman (Gary Chaw album)

Superman is second album by Gary Chaw, which is released on 27 December 2006. After the hit success in his first album 格格 Blue, he came out with his second album of the same name. This is the second album he released in the same year.

Track listing

  1. Superman
Lyricist: 阿丹
  1. 兩隻戀人
Lyricist: 徐世珍
  1. Girlfriend
Lyricist: 阿丹
  1. 背叛
Lyricists: 阿丹 / 邬裕康
  1. 妳是我的寶貝
Lyricist: Gary Chaw
  1. 3-7-20-1
Lyricist: 邬裕康
  1. 保護你
Lyricist: 徐世珍
  1. 愛到底
Lyricist: 俞方
  1. 我的甜蜜蜜
Lyricist: Gary Chaw
  1. 天使忌妒的生活
Lyricist: 邬裕康


  1. Superman
  2. Two Lovers
  3. Girlfriend
  4. Betrayal
  5. You're My Baby
  6. 3-7-20-1
  7. Protect You
  8. Love Till The End
  9. My Sweetie
  10. The Life That Angels Envy