Super Wings

Super Wings is a South Korean-Chinese-American animated television series co-produced by FunnyFlux Entertainment in South Korea, Alpha Group Co., Ltd. in China, and Little Airplane Productions in the United States, with the production support from the Educational Broadcasting System in South Korea, and additional support from KOCCA.


The series follows a basic format, in which Jett interacts with other Super Wings at World Airport before being called to a delivery, being informed by Jimbo and taught some facts about the location and some of the local language. Using this knowledge, he interacts with the kid or kids ordering the packages until they reach a problem, during which he calls for the assistance of one or more of the Super Wings. The additional help would assist in solving the problem before they leave with Jett.
The format remained relevant in Season 2, though the interaction segments were dropped. Jimbo also no longer works at World Airport in this season, being replaced by his niece Sky while he goes on an around-the-world vacation. The assisting format was also altered, as typically more than one Super Wing ends up with Jett at the end of the episode.
Season 3 brings the interaction segment back to the fold, and sees Jimbo return as a maintenance technician. The rest of the format stays the same as in Season 2, though the assistance method was changed once again. Jett now receives help from a specialized team of Super Wings, rather than a random selection. The episode count also dropped from 52 to 40.
Major changes came in Season 4, and much of the show now takes place on World Aircraft, a giant plane functioning as a mobile airport. The kids now actually call the Super Wings to make specialized products, which were shipped in metal containers rather than the cardboard boxes of the past seasons. Jett now regularly has a travel buddy for his deliveries, and they are instead given upgrades via a super charge beam instead of receiving help, though other Super Wings show up at random times in some episodes.


Super Wings was announced in September 2013, and had a licensing market debut at that year's MIPJunior in Cannes, France.


In Season 3, Jett receives help from a team of Super Wings instead of just one. Whenever a Super Wings team is selected, his wings symbol changes to that of the assisting team and he gains a new helmet and equipment related to the team.



For Mainland China and the rest of Asia, as well as the Middle East, Alpha Animation and Culture holds the distribution rights of the series. For the rest of the world, the series is distributed by CJ E&M.


In South Korea, Super Wings premiered on September 1, 2014 on what is now EBS1, a public service terrestrial television channel operated by Educational Broadcasting System. The initial airings on EBS included a segment which celebrated certain children's birthdays during the closing credits. It was repeated on some of children's interest channels on multichannel platforms in the country since then: Tooniverse, owned by CJ E&M, was one of such channels. Season 2 premiered on March 1, 2017 on EBS1.
In China, the series was syndicated, distributed by Alpha to television stations.
In the United States, Super Wings also premiered on March 14, 2015 on Sprout.
In Canada, the series was premiered on March 3, 2015 on Treehouse TV.
In the United Kingdom and Ireland, Super Wings was premiered on Cartoonito and Tiny Pop on February 6, 2017.
In the Arab World, the series was broadcast on Spacetoon on March 7, 2016.
In the Saudi Arabia, the series was broadcast on Basma on 2013.
In Australia, the series was broadcast on Eleven.
In Singapore, the series debuted on Okto on October 14, 2017.
In Hong Kong, the series all debuted on Now TV on April 25, 2019.
In Indonesia, the series was originally broadcast on GTV; but moved to, and third season was debuted on RTV on April 29, 2019.


Merchandise and other media

in China holds master toy license worldwide. In the United States and Canada, the toys are sold by Auldey Toys and Imports Dragon, respectively.
Nelvana has consumer products rights of Super Wings for the United States, Canada and France.