Strange Empire

Strange Empire is a Canadian television drama series that aired on CBC Television in the 2014–15 television season. Created by Laurie Finstad-Knizhnik, the series is a serialized Western drama set in Janestown, near the Alberta-Montana border in the 1860s, in which three women band together for survival after their husbands are murdered.
The cast includes Cara Gee, Melissa Farman and Tattiawna Jones. The first season began airing on 6 October 2014 and consists of 13 episodes.
CBC cancelled the series in March 2015 after one season. Strange Empire was broadcast on LMN in the US and was renamed Strange Empire: Rise of the Women, it premiered on May 29, 2015.

Cast and characters

The series premiere was watched by 319,000 Canadian viewers.

Awards and nominations

Canadian Screen Awards

Joey Awards

Leo Awards

Young Artist Awards

DVD release

released season 1 on DVD on May 12, 2015.