The State University of Surabaya is a public university in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. Until 1999, it was formerly known as IKIP Surabaya and was established for graduating teachers, qualified for preschool, elementary, junior high, and senior high school. UNESA has seven faculties and one graduate school, 47 undergraduate programs, 12 diploma programs, and 15 postgraduate and doctorate programs. It has approximately 24,986 students and 834 lecturers.
In 1950, UNESA was founded from B-I and B-II courses majoring in Chemical Sciences and Exact Sciences to ensure the availability of junior and senior high school teachers.. It used classrooms and laboratories belonging to the DutchHogere burgerschool. In 1957, these B-I courses were grouped into General B-I Courses and Special B-I Courses. The General B-I Courses included English and German languages, while the Special B-I Courses included Chemical Sciences, Exact Sciences, Economics, Technical, Sports, and Aeronautical Sciences. In 1960, the B-I and B-II courses were integrated into Faculty of Education and Teacher Training to graduate advanced school teachers. In 1961, this was absorbed into FKIP Universitas Airlangga Cabang Malang and named FKIP Universitas Airlangga Cabang Surabaya. January 3, 1963, FKIP and the Institute of Teacher Training was merged with IKIP Malang Cabang Surabaya. December 19, 1964, IKIP Surabaya was officially established with five faculties: Education, Social Teaching, Language Art Teaching, Exact Science Teaching, and Engineering Sciences Teaching. In 1977, the Faculty of Sports Science Teaching became the sixth. That year, five of the six faculties changed their names to the Faculty of Languages and Art, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Sport Sciences. Through a Presidential Regulation dated August 4, 1999, IKIP Surabaya changed its name to Universitas Negeri Surabaya. In 2006, UNESA opened a new Faculty of Economics as a separate entity from its parent faculty, Social Sciences. In 2014, UNESA opened two departments, Communication Sciences under the Faculty of Social Sciences, and Islamic Economics under the Faculty of Economics. UNESA has two main campuses in Ketintang and Lidah Wetan, a supporting campus for Department of Extraordinary Education in Gedangan, Sidoarjo, two language centers in Ketintang Campus and Dr. Moestopo, and laboratory schools for education-based programs, including a kindergarten, an elementary school and two middle schools. UNESA is known as an inclusive campus, which means disabled students can study along with the able-bodied students. It has a study and service center for disabled people, and provides assistance for disabled people in Surabaya, especially in the campus.
UNESA has seven faculties offering 62 study programs ranging from undergraduate level to doctorate.