Stark Raving Mad (TV series)
Stark Raving Mad is an American sitcom television series that aired on NBC from September 23, 1999 to July 13, 2000. The series starred Tony Shalhoub and Neil Patrick Harris.Synopsis
Shalhoub stars as odd horror novelist Ian Stark, who is obsessed with practical jokes, and whose first book Below Ground was a best seller. Neil Patrick Harris is Stark's reluctant editor Henry McNeeley, who has a variety of phobias and possibly obsessive–compulsive disorder. On January 10, 2000, the sitcom won a People's Choice Award for Favorite New Television Comedy Series. The sitcom premiered on September 23, 1999 and was officially cancelled by NBC on April 15, 2000 despite having a 10.7 average household share and being ranked 15th among all programs.
Margaret 'Maddie' Keller was to be played by Jessica Cauffiel as she appears in several early cast photos.Cast
- Tony Shalhoub as Ian Stark
- Neil Patrick Harris as Henry McNeeley
- Eddie McClintock as Jake Donovan
- Dorie Barton as Tess Farraday
- Heather Paige Kent as Margaret 'Maddie' Keller
- Harriet Sansom Harris as Audrey
- Chris Sarandon as Cesar
- Dina Waters as Katherine 'Kit' Yates
International airings
In some countries the series was renamed: Loco enloquecido, Stark, loco de atar, Splitter Pine Gal, Kreisi kynäniekka and "En förläggares mardröm".