Spheres (TV series)

Spheres is a South Korean animated television series. It is a product of the major broadcaster Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation, and the animation was done by Studio Kaab, which would later animate the series Nalong.


Unbeknownst to human history, the Kingdom of Spheres existed upon our earth long ago. The people of this kingdom would be regarded today as people with psychic powers. Unfortunately, like most other civilizations, as the gap widened more and more between the social classes, the Kingdom of Spheres was troubled by those greedy for power; and in the end it collapsed. Na Yeon is a mysterious girl who was found in the Antarctic after the destruction of Spheres. One day Asten, the chairman of Sphere Union, who has a burning ambition to control the world, sent his followers to keep watch on Na Yeon. Na Yeon and her friends try to keep three artifacts, the keys to conquer the world, from the hands of Sphere Union.
In the Italian opening, Santo Verduci composed for TV show Contactoons.


;Han Na Yeon
;Principal An Il Hwan
;Lee Ho Joon
;Gong Ju
;Yoo Seo Dong
;Teacher Joo Ah Ra
;Teacher Rhee Tae Baek
;King Kong
;Na Yeon's Mother
;Na Yeon's Father
;Tang Kong

Production staff