Sonora Institute of Technology

The Sonora Institute of Technology is a Mexican public university based in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora, with satellite campuses in Guaymas, Empalme and Navojoa. Founded in 1955 as a preparatory school called Justo Sierra Institute, it was initially sponsored by Lions International until 1956, when it renamed as Northwestern Institute of Technology. In 1962, Governor Luis Encinas Johnson approved a state law that restructured the institution and gave it its current name.


The institution was the result of the efforts of the community of Cajeme, led by the president of the local chapter of Lions International, Moisés Vásquez Gudiño. After several restructurations, it became a public university in 1964 when it began to offer a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering. By 1976 the program in Business Administration was added and it stopped offering secondary-level education. In 1979 under the administration of Dr. Óscar Russo Vogel, the institution started expansion programs that continued in the 1980s to serve a growing-demand.
The main campus consisted of only five buildings and the Navojoa campus served its students in a leased building. In 1981 the campus added its administration building to its infrastructure. In 1982 main campus added classrooms and the Náinari campus added the unit for Veterinary and Zoology studies. The Guaymas campus was added in 1984 and the Navojoa campus was moved into its own building.


The Institute offers the following programs:
In total, 12 out of 28 acreditable academic programs were certified as of good quality by the Mexican Undersecretariat of Higher Education by September 2007. In addition, from October 2006 to September 2007 the Institute invested in research.