Songimvelo-Malolotja Transfrontier Conservation Area

The Songimvelo-Malolotja Transfrontier Censervation Area is a peace park located on the South Africa - Eswatini border between Barberton and Pigg's Peak and covers an area of approximately, with potential extensions of another .
The core of the park is to be the Songimvelo Game Reserve in South Africa and the Malolotja Nature Reserve in Eswatini. These parks share a common border.
On the Eswatini side are three protection-worthy areas, namely the Bulembu National Landscape, Makhonjwa National Landscape, and the Sondeza National Landscape.
The long-term plan is that this Transfrontier Conservation Area is to be incorporated as part of the Greater Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area.