
Snam S.p.A. is an Italian energy infrastructure company.
As of 31 December 2018, it had a market capitalization of €12.6 billion.
Snam was originally a subsidiary of Italian energy company Eni.
It has since become an independent company, whose largest shareholder is CDP Reti, a holding company controlled by the Italian state.
The utility operates in Italy and, through associated companies, in Austria, France, United Kingdom, in Albania, Austria, France, Greece and the United Kingdom. It is one of the main shareholders of TAP.
Snam is one of Europe's main regulated gas companies - leading Italy in gas transport and storage, while ranking third in regasification.


Snam was founded on 30 October 1941 in San Donato Milanese, Lombardy, with the name Società Nazionale Metanodotti.
On 1 June 2001, it changed its name to Snam Rete Gas.
It has been traded on the Borsa Italiana since 6 December 2001.
On 1 January 2012, it was renamed with the original name of Snam.
In April 2019, Snam launched the first injection of a hydrogen and natural gas into the pipeline, the Europe’s first commercial test of a hydrogen-methane blend in a high-pressure network.


Snam has following subsidiaries:
CDP Reti28.98%
Romano Minozzi4.37%
CDP Gas1.12%
Other shareholders65.53%

Board of directors

Appointed by the Shareholders’Meeting on April 2019
RoleName and surname
ChairmanNicola Bedin
Chief Executive OfficerMarco Alverà
DirectorLaura Cavatorta
DirectorFrancesco Gori
DirectorAntonio Marano
DirectorYunpeng He
DirectorFrancesca Pace
DirectorRita Rolli
DirectorAlessandro Tonetti


Snam's approach to sustainability is based on Shared Value, a concept elaborated by Michael E. Porter in collaboration with Mark R. Kramer that explores the link between a company and its environment and their mutual interdependence. In order to create Shared Value, Snam promotes sustainable development and ESG factors integration along its entire transport, dispatchment, regasification, storage and distribution process. Snam adopts an ESG Committee, made up of independent members of the board with advisory function on the link between corporate performance and environmental, social and governance factors.
In 2009 the company joined the United Nations Global Compact and since 2006 has published a sustainability report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative's guidelines.
Since 2015 Snam also has published an Integrated Report, inspired by International Integrated Report Council principles, inside the Annual Report, and since 2018 Snam has published the Non Financial Statement according Italian Dlgs. 254 still inside Annual Report.
Moreover, Snam has adhered to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in 2018 and published its first document about Climate change, “Snam for the future”.
Snam operates within the reference framework of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Fundamental Conventions of the ILO and the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises.
Its commitment towards the environment focuses on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and safeguarding biodiversity. Among its social initiatives, Snam partners with Legambiente and Federparchi and, in 2012, joined the Sodalitas Foundation, which seeks to build bridges between the entrepreneurial world in Italy and the non-profit sector.
In 2017 Snam established its corporate foundation – Fondazione Snam - with the aim of contributing to the social, cultural and economic growth of areas affected by Snam's activities or marked by social inequality.