An idealized electronic filter, one that has full transmission in the pass band, and complete attenuation in the stop band, with abrupt transitions, is known colloquially as a "brick-wall filter", in reference to the shape of the transfer function. The sinc filter is a brick-wall low-pass filter, from which brick-wall band-pass filters and high-pass filters are easily constructed. The lowpass filter with brick-wall cutoff at frequency BL has impulse response and transfer function given by: The band-pass filter with lower band edge BL and upper band edge BH is just the difference of two such sinc filters : The high-pass filter with lower band edge BH is just a transparent filter minus a sinc filter, which makes it clear that the Dirac delta function is the limit of a narrow-in-time sinc filter: Brick-wall filters that run in realtime are not physically realizable as they have infinite latency and infinite order, but approximate implementations are sometimes used and they are frequently called brick-wall filters.
Frequency-domain sinc
The name "sinc filter" is applied also to the filter shape that is rectangular in time and a sinc function in frequency, as opposed to the ideal low-pass sinc filter, which is sinc in time and rectangular in frequency. In case of confusion, one may refer to these as sinc-in-frequency and sinc-in-time, according to which domain the filter is sinc in. Sinc-in-frequency CIC filters, among many other applications, are almost universally used for decimatingdelta-sigmaADCs, as they are easy to implement and nearly optimal for this use. The simplest implementation of a Sinc-in-frequency filter is a group-averaging filter, also known as accumulate-and-dump filter. This filter also performs a data rate reduction. It collects N data samples, accumulates them and provides the accumulator value as output. Thus, the decimation factor of this filter is N. It can be modelled as a FIR filter with all N coefficients equal, followed by a N-time downsampling block. The simplicity of the filter, requiring just an accumulator as central data processing block, is foiled with strong aliasing effects: an N sample filter aliases all attenuated and unattenuated signal components lying above to the baseband ranging from 0 to . A group averaging filter processing N samples has N/2 transmission zeroes.
The picture "transmission function of a 16sample group averaging filter" shows how the transmission function looks like above the Nyquist frequency.
The sinc filter is not bounded-input–bounded-output stable. That is, a bounded input can produce an unbounded output, because the integral of the absolute value of the sinc function is infinite. A bounded input that produces an unbounded output is sgn. Another is sinu, a sine wave starting at time 0, at the cutoff frequency.