Shorties Watchin' Shorties

Shorties Watchin' Shorties is an American adult animated comedy television series that aired on Comedy Central from April 28 to December 16, 2004. The show is made up of various short animated clips with audio from comedians' stand up routines. It also features two "shorties," a pair of babies voiced by Nick DiPaolo and Patrice O'Neal who watch and comment upon the routines on TV. For many of the episodes, the babies only stayed in the house, but in later episodes, they were shown walking around the city.
The show featured comedians such as Dane Cook, Bill Burr, Brian Regan, Brian Posehn, Chris Hardwick, Mitch Hedberg, Mike Birbiglia, Jim Gaffigan and Lewis Black.
The animation was scripted and produced at World Famous Pictures and Augenblick Studios. The show was not renewed but full episodes are available on DVD. Clips from the show are posted on the Comedy Central website as well as on Hulu and Netflix. 14 episodes were produced and 13 aired.


The series is set around in Baby Nick's house. Where when Baby Nick's mom is away, his babysitter is there to watch him along with his best friend who always hangout in his house, Baby Patrice. There they get bored and started to watch animated clips about real-life living people from the routine. Whether its Dane Cook or Lewis Black.


Main characters