Shiraz University of Technology

Shiraz University of Technology is an accredited and well known university in Iran, the second public university in the Fars Province in higher technological education, basic and applied research. In 2004, the Government offered technical assistance for establishing an institute of higher education in engineering in Shiraz.
Currently the University has about 1700 students, with 5 Bachelor's degree programs, 31 Master's degree, and 14 Ph.D. degree programs.


Shiraz University of Technology first was established in 1968 with its former name Electronics Industry College, which was one of the Shiraz University branches.
After 2004, it was named "Shiraz University of Technology" as an independent public university which developed by some other fields such as Chemical, Material, Mechanical, etc.


Currently there is just one campus on Moddares Blvd., Shiraz, Iran. It was announced that a new campus is building in Shahrak Sadra, Shiraz, Iran.
The campus consists of all the university's building like departments buildings, library, restaurant, mosque, gym, publication, etc. There are 5 department buildings:
Shiraz University of Technology is the 6th university offering engineering programs in Iran based on 2019 Times rankings It is also 138th university in Asia and 601-800th in the world.


The following degrees are now offered in the university training students in bachelor's and master's degrees levels: