Select Registry

Select Registry, Distinguished Inns of North America, is a non-profit association of more than 300 country inns, B&Bs and boutique hotels throughout the United States. Founded in 1972, the association is based in Greensboro, Georgia, United States and led by CEO Mark Jaronski.


The association was founded in 1972 by travel writer Norman Simpson, who traveled throughout North America identifying places that offered what he called, "good honest lodging, good honest food, and good honest feeling." Through his book, Country Inns and Back Roads, Simpson documented this group of properties in the U.S. and Canada. The association of independent innkeepers started by Simpson is now known as Select Registry.
Originally based in Berkshire, New England, the organization is headquartered Greensboro, Georgia. Select Registry has a diverse membership which includes bed and breakfasts, urban inns, boutique hotels and small resorts. Members are required to pay annual dues, as well as pass quality assurance inspections every few years. Board of Directors made up of member inn owners govern the Chief Executive Officer.


Simpson's Country Inns and Back Roads is now updated in Select Registry's annual guidebook, whose 25th Edition was printed in 2013. The publication features all member properties, categorized by state or province. This 450-plus page reference provides details on each property. The guide provides color photos for every entry, as well as details about the services of the properties and the local tourist places.
Select Registry's members must submit applications in order to qualify for inspections by professional evaluators. According to the association's guidelines members are removed if they do not meet the standards for "hospitality, attention to detail, amenities and food".