Secret Princes

Secret Princes is an American reality television series that premiered on TLC on September 21, 2012. It chronicles the adventures of several members of international nobility as they leave their home countries to live, work and look for love in America. In addition, to guarantee that they are loved for their true selves and not for their wealth or status, they go undercover as ordinary locals in Atlanta, Georgia during the first season and in Austin, Texas during the second season. Season 2 premiered on TLC on October 25, 2013.


Production crews follow participants as they embark on a journey to achieve their fairytale romance while embracing American culture in the United States. During their pursuit of love, they are forced to leave their servants behind and learn to cook, clean and shop for themselves. They accomplish this by taking menial jobs such as busboys, waiters and dog groomers. Even more revealing is their struggle to adapt to the American working culture. They take these measures in order to fit in and find the perfect woman for each of them.


Season 1

Season 1 (2012)

Season 2 (2013)