Salaries of members of the United States Congress

This chart shows historical information on the salaries that members of the United States Congress have been paid. The Government Ethics Reform Act of 1989 provides for an automatic increase in salary each year as a cost of living adjustment that reflects the employment cost index. Since 2010 Congress has annually voted not to accept the increase, keeping it at the same nominal amount since 2009. The Twenty-seventh Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1992, prohibits any law affecting compensation from taking effect until after the next election.
YearSalaryPer diem/annumPercent adjustmentIn 2014 dollars
1789$50per annum
1795$1per diem only Representatives
$7per diem only Senators
1796$6per diem
1815$1,500per annum$19,084
1817$6per diem only Representatives
$7per diem only Senators
1818$8per diem
1855$3,000per annum$75,109
1865$5,000per annum$76,244
1871$7,500per annum$146,107
1874$5,000per annum$103,183
1907$7,500per annum$187,663
1925$10,000per annum$133,587
1932$9,000per annum$154,137
1933$8,500per annum$153,397
1934 $9,000per annum$157,080
1934 $9,500per annum$165,807
1935$10,000per annum$170,276
1947$12,500per annum$130,741
1955$22,500per annum$196,223
1965$30,000per annum$222,206
1969$42,500per annum$270,697
1975$44,600per annum$193,587
1977$57,500per annum$221,500
1979$60,662.50per annum$194,778
1982$69,800per annum only Representatives$168,569
1983$69,800per annum only Senators$163,343
1984$72,600per annum$162,891
1985$75,100per annum$162,645
1987 $77,400per annum$158,784
1987 $89,500per annum$183,606
1990 $96,600per annum only Representatives$172,342
1990 $98,400per annum only Senators$175,553
1991 $125,100per annum only Representatives$214,192
1991 $101,900per annum only Senators$174,470
1991 $125,100per annum only Senators$214,192
1992$129,500per annum3.5%$215,267
1993$133,600per annum3.2%$215,614
1998$136,700per annum2.3%$197,114
2000$141,300per annum3.4%$191,866
2001$145,100per annum2.7%$193,924
2002$150,000per annum3.4%$195,774
2003$154,700per annum3.1%$198,143
2004$158,100per annum2.2%$196,029
2005$162,100per annum2.5%$194,380
2006$165,200per annum1.9%$193,266
2008$169,300per annum2.5%$185,614
2009$174,000per annum2.8%$191,533 – 174,000

Additional pay schedule for the Senate and House positions:
Vice President$230,700
Senators and House Representatives$174,000
Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico$174,000
President pro tempore of the Senate$193,400
Majority leader and minority leader of the Senate$193,400
Majority leader and minority leader of the House of Representatives$193,900
Speaker of the House of Representatives$223,500