Sainsbury Laboratory

The Sainsbury Laboratory is a research institute located at the Norwich Research Park in Norwich, Norfolk, England, that carries out fundamental biological research and technology development on aspects of plant disease, plant disease resistance and microbial symbiosis in plants. It was founded in 1987.


Fundamental research

At present there are six TSL research groups concentrating on several key areas of fundamental research, each headed by a single group leader.
TSL provides a training environment with the intention of preparing post-graduate students, post-doctoral scientists and early career project leaders to excel in their careers. This includes training from the expert technology groups in plant tissue culture and transformation, bioinformatics and computational biology, proteomics, and synthetic biology as well as mentoring from established scientists.


TSL provides its researchers access to compute clusters, mass spectrometers, confocal high content screening microscopy and plant growth and transformation facilities.

Technology development

The four core technology teams of TSL develop new technologies to enhance TSL research and provide direct expert support and guidance to the other groups of TSL.
A number of outstanding scientists have worked at TSL, including;
The Gatsby Charitable Foundation provide around 50% of funding for The Sainsbury Laboratory, with the remainder coming from competitive BBSRC and European Research Council grants.