Russell Loines Award for Poetry

Russell Loines Award for Poetry was a poetry award by the American Academy of Arts and Letters of $1000.
1983Geoffrey HillThe Mystery of the Charity of Charles Péguy
1981Ben Belitt
1976Mona Van DuynTo See, To Take
1974Philip LarkinHigh Windows
1972William Jay SmithThe Tin Can and Other Poems.
1970Robert HaydenWords in the Mourning Time: Poems by Robert Hayden
1968Anthony HechtThe Hard Hours
1966William MeredithThe Wreck of the Thresher and Other Poems
1964John Berryman77 Dream Songs
1962Ivor Armstrong Richards
1960Abbie Huston EvansFact of Crystal.
1958Robert GravesThe Poems of Robert Graves
1957Edwin MuirOne foot in Eden
1956John BetjemanPoems In The Porch
1954David JonesThe Anathemata
1951John Crowe RansomSelected Poems
1948William Carlos WilliamsPaterson
1942Horace GregoryPoems, 1930-1940.
1939Joy DavidmanLetter to a Comrade.
1933Edward DoroThe Boar and Shibboleth: with other poems
1931Robert FrostCollected Poems