Run of the House

Run of the House is an American sitcom television series created by Betsy Thomas, that aired on The WB between September 11, 2003 and May 7, 2004. Nineteen episodes were produced but only sixteen were aired before the show was cancelled. The show was about a family of four siblings, whose parents moved from Grand Rapids, Michigan, to Arizona, because the weather would be better there for their father's health. But they left the mostly-grown children to stay in their old house and look after themselves, with the 3 eldest siblings also having to deal with raising their 15-year-old sister, Brooke. There was also a nosy neighbor named Mrs. Norris who often popped in unannounced to check up on them.


The final three episodes that were unaired in the United States were aired in the UK on the Trouble Network at the end of 2004 and were repeated during the end of 2007 and early 2008.