The story stars Taison Maeda, delinquent student of Teiken High school who wishes to become the world boxing champion. The manga follows Maeda as he struggles through three years of high school while becoming one of the strongest and best known high school fighters in all of Tokyo. Not just a pure action manga, Rokudenashi Blues is filled with humor and well-crafted story arcs about honor, friendship, and the pressures of being a delinquent student in Japan. Short gag-stories with chibi versions of characters are published as "Rokudenashi Buru-chu".
Rokudenashi Blues has a wide-arching cast of characters that live in and go to school around Tokyo that must deal with the pressures and struggles that come from being involved in the delinquent struggles of honour and strength.
The 4 Heavenly Kings
The 4 Heavenly Kings are what the students of Tokyo consider the strongest fighters in Tokyo. They each come from a separate district and often come into contact with each other throughout the later half of the manga, which often result in bloody, drawn out dog fights between the schools involved. ; Taison "Tyson" Maeda ; Onizuka ; Yakushiji ;Kasai
Kichijōji is the area of Tokyo that Maeda and his friends are from. At the start of the manga most of the action that takes place involves the different schools from the area such as Yonekura Industrial before branching off into the other districts of Tokyo and even to the south of Japan.
Rokudenashi Blues is written and illustrated by Masanori Morita. The manga was originally serialized in the manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump from May 30, 1988 to February 17, 1997. Shueisha compiled its individual chapters intro forty-two tankōbon volumes published between January 10, 1989 and April 4, 1997. Shueisha later re-released the series into a twenty-five volume bunkoban edition between December 12, 2002 and December 12, 2003.
Anime films
An anime film produced by Toei Animation was released on July 11, 1992. A second film titled Rokudenashi Blues 1993 was released on July 24, 1993.
Two video games entitled Rokudenashi Blues, developed by TOSE and published by Bandai, were released for the Family Computer and Super Famicom. Five characters of Rokudenashi Blues appear in the Nintendo DSbattle royale gameJump Ultimate Stars. In the game, Maeda is a Support character, while Yamashita, Sawamura, Chiaki and Masa are Help-type characters. He was one of the main characters in , a roleplaying game released in 1991. Some Rokudenashi Blues characters are also featured in Cult Jump, an adventure-trivia game released for the Game Boy.