Robocar Poli

Robocar Poli is a South Korean animated children's television series created by RoiVisual. The series released its first episode on Educational Broadcasting System in 2011, and has aired for four seasons. Robocar Poli consists of 104 eleven-minute episodes.


In Brooms Town, a small town with a capable rescue team, there are always accidents such as a car sliding off a cliff in the rain, a car crash, or a child locked in a firehouse. In every episode, the town's rescue team saves characters from trouble. At the end of each episode, the rescue team strongly advises the characters who are in danger and viewing children.


Main Characters

While in production, this series was selected for the section of full-length animation at Global Animation Project 2009 hosted by Korea Creative Content Agency, under the title of PiyoPiyo Friends.


In the latter half of 2011, the films were exported from South Korea to France. Internationally, the program currently airs on French and Taiwanese channels. The series aired in Japan on TV Tokyo between April 6, 2013 and September 24, 2014.
An English dub of Robocar Poli airs in Singapore on Okto. In Canada, it debuted on Treehouse TV on January 6, 2018. It is also available on Netflix and YouTube. A separate British dub of the series began airing on Nick Jr. Too in the UK starting February 27, 2017.. The Soap Opera Robocar Poli Indonesia On Indonesian Aired Is A Company By,, And Released By 1 January 1980 - Presents



This series has had high ratings in South Korea, and became the chief rival of Pororo the Little Penguin which had been number one in the industry. Related merchandise includes cakes, toys, books, and apparel. In South Korea, Poli is frequently called 폴총리 which means "Poli, the Minister of Children". This follows Pororo which is famously known as 뽀통령, meaning "Pororo, the President of Children".


On March 12, 2013, Korea Post issued commemorative stamps for the series. As the third installment of the "Korean-Made Characters Series Stamps", Robocar Poli was introduced, following the introduction of Pororo the Little Penguin and Pucca. Two million copies of the stamps were printed for sale.


''Traffic Safety with Poli''

«Traffic Safety with Poli» is a first spin-off of the original series. As part of Hyundai Motors' global corporate social responsibility project with RoiVisual and EBS, the series was produced to educate children on the importance of traffic safety, and has aired for two seasons. The first season of the spin-off was shown as six 11-minute episodes, each with two segments. In Singapore, it debuted on Okto on December 27, 2015. It premiered in Canada on Treehouse TV on February 2, 2019.

''Fire Safety with Roy''

«Fire Safety with Roy» is the second spin-off of the original series. Centered on Roy, it debuted in August 2017 on EBS. In Singapore, it debuted on Okto on December 8, 2018.

''Daily Life Safety with Amber''

«Daily Life Safety with Amber» is the third spin-off of the original series. Centered on Amber, it debuted in August 2018 on EBS. In Singapore, it debuted on Channel 5's Okto block on October 19, 2019.