RobiHachi is a 12-episode Japanese anime television series produced by Studio Comet. The series aired from April 8 to June 24, 2019. The storyline is futurist but alludes to the story of Tōkaidōchū Hizakurige. The comically silly and purposely lame Hizakuriger robot makes its appearance, a reimagining of the long forgotten 1970s era robot anime Chōgattai Majutsu Robo Ginguiser.Characters
;Robby Yarge
;Hatchi Kita
An original anime was announced by Studio Comet on November 19, 2018. The 12-episode series is directed by Shinji Takamatsu, with Hiroko Kanasugi handling series composition and Yuuko Yahiro designing the characters. It aired from April 8 to June 24, 2019 on AbemaTV and AT-X.